
Solitude at Sunrise

Solitude at Sunrise

I am sitting here at sunrise

my home away from home

the Boston Globe “blank”,

in front of me.

thinking about attachments

and losses…

that have filled the recent days…

since Death visited.

thanking God for a friend

who touched so many.

loss so painful…beyond bereaved

shoes unfilled…footsteps not finished

life cut short.

sympathy seeping in to fill the depth

death leaves.

seeking to touch family

it helps me to share your loss

as I share your love.

so very, very sorry

no words…

forever changed



4 thoughts on “Sunset…Sunrise

  1. What a beautiful tribute to a person whose life, though cut short, was well-lived. The number of lives he touched is immense, and the depth of your grief is testament to just how large his imprint on the world has been.

  2. It’s amazing that the world just keeps moving forward……
    Grief is intensely private, and at the same time, totally shared, as the rest of the world proceeds unchecked, know your friend’s family and their friends, are held gently in God’s love, until they too, move quietly back into the river, of our lives.

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