Our Kids are Watching Us!

Watch Out Our Kids (and Grandkids) are Watching Us!

kidsLast week, I was at a meeting of mostly mom bloggers and I had a conversation with the women at Responsibility.org.

As a grandmother, I have experienced the teenage years and college years and yes I survived and of course I can say “I wish I knew then what I know now”.

But seriously, I wish I had access to the internet and a world of “friends” on Facebook to talk to about a given topic like alcohol responsibility during those years of raising adolescent kids and young adults.

When I was a mom of grade schoolers, I worked with some moms from their school once in awhile when they were preparing for hot dog day, a monthly lunch ritual. A group of moms would gather at a home to count money and prepare a roster. My eye opening experience occurred at one of these morning meetings after school drop-off at around 9 a.m. To my surprise a bottle of wine was served rather than coffee. I suspected some issues with alcohol and moms from previous luncheon experiences when the wine disappeared before any food was eaten.

So looking back now as a grandmother in today’s world of social media, I realize that moms still are trying to balance everything, and relaxing moments are still elusive at best.

Social media definitely has added another perspective to parenting. We are still learning the boundaries of what we should and should not say. Our words follow us like shadows that never disappear.

So when I saw this campaign #TalkEarly and #RefreshYourFunny from Responsibility.org at Mom 2.0 Summit, I wanted to lend my support in any way I could.


Basically, #RefreshYourFunny refers to monitoring yourself when it comes to “wining” about how you want a “drink” to unwind from a day of mothering madness. Remember, our kids and grandkids are watching us and learning from all that we do. If you listen to them closely you will hear yourself talking. It is cute but at times, it is also frightening

So lets try to join in #RefreshYourFunny and be aware that “Our Kids are Watching Us”!


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