Surviving the coming week …

I wish I had some great tips for surviving the week before Christmas

It just seems that sometimes I cannot wait until December 26th when time returns to normal…

This year I am looking at the holiday through the eyes of a three year old grandchild.

Three is a wonderful age…Santa is real… the Elf on the Shelf is real…and the mysterious wonder surrounding the appearance of random candy canes in the Advent Calendar every morning is a delight.

Hiding gifts is not too difficult…three year olds are not snoopy..,

Thank goodness for  shopping online…and good weather.

Hats off to FedEx … USPS… and …UPS …what  I do without them?

Now, if only the tree was fully decorated…but that will happen  and the stockings will be hung and …

soon it will be Christmas.

Santa will arrive…the Elf will depart

and all the squeals of surprise will sound.

… it will all be over in the wink of an eye …until 2012!