Breastfeeding is a natural way to feed babies…
it is a healthy way to feed babies…
for some moms it is an easy transition after delivery and for other moms it is difficult and takes time and patience to get into a rhythm with their babies.
Whatever the case…moms should be encouraged to breast feed and be able to breast feed anywhere.
That apparently was not the experience of a Texas mom who was “harassed” by Target employees when she chose to breast feed in an aisle at a Target store. She was asked to go to a fitting room to breast feed.
Now, my personal choice would not be to sit down in an aisle at Target to breastfeed but a fitting room would not necessarily have been my choice either. Perhaps, a table in their food court would have been more my style.
Now…today, moms have organized through Facebook and are scheduled to “nurse-in” at selected Targets this morning.
What will be the outcome of such a protest?
I am sure there will be some who are “appalled” that moms would do such a thing.
It is time to support breastfeeding moms…the research is in and the American Academy of Pediatrics has made their statements.
Even if you do not support a “nurse-in” it is time to give the thumbs up to those moms who do and it is time to let Target and others like them know that customer service is more than a counter in the front of the store.
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