Chronological Age vs Gestational Age…


Each year babies are born prematurely and the question of chronological age and gestational age can add to the confusion for parents.

Truthfully speaking, these babies can actually have two ages for awhile.  These ages help the medical team and the parents know what to expect developmentally from a preemie.

Here is an explanation from the March of Dimes and the link below it is for more information regarding this issue.

“Babies who are born prematurely often have two ages:  Chronological age is the age of the baby from the day of birth—the number of days, weeks or years old the baby actually has been in the outside world.  Adjusted age is the developmental age of the baby based on his due date.

To calculate adjusted age, you take your premature baby’s chronological age (for example, 20 weeks) and subtract the number of weeks premature the baby was (born 6 weeks early).  In this example, the baby’s adjusted age would be 14 weeks.  Health care providers may use the adjusted age when they evaluate the baby’s growth and development.

Barring serious physical or neurological injury, most premature babies “catch up” to their peers, developmentally, in two to three years. After that, any differences in size or development are most likely due to individual differences, rather than to premature birth. Some very small babies take longer to catch up. You can stop adjusting your baby’s age when it feels most comfortable to you.”

via News Moms Need.

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