As a grandparent, who spends a fair amount of time with my own granddaughter, there are times when I am exhausted but I don’t want to give in to the tiredness nor do I want to melt down when she melts down.
I find myself reading “mom blogs” which are comforting…since the moms are quite a few years younger than I and they feel exactly the same way I do at times.
I remember often feeling totally destroyed as a young mom of two under two…I had a few friends with whom to commiserate on the wall phone with the ultra long cord that practically went all around the house with me as I talked and chased my girls. No cell phones or wireless for this 1980’s mom. No internet …no instant messages that could issue an SOS around the world on Twitter or other social media.
But thank God for social media at this stage of my life as a grandmother… it is very comforting to read other moms “daily” comings and goings and all that they do to keep sane.
This morning, I found this post on my Facebook page…it was a much needed one. I am on vacation from my home in Chicago…I am supposed to relax at the seashore for 5+ days. Now, I am not complaining but when you are with a 3 year old it is harder to find those much needed relaxing moments.
I share the following with all of you in hopes that it will help when you are exhausted some day…you don’t even need to have kids or be a grandmother to use the tips in this article.
What do you do to relax and stay connected with your kids and grandkids when your energy is tapped out?
Connecting with Kids When You’re Exhausted.
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ~Carl Bard