Advent Calendar….

Unique Advent Calendar

Via: and a Tumblr blogger.

If you want a unique Advent Calendar to enjoy with your children this is the one.

You will need  24 Holiday Books! YIKES!

For suggestions and to begin the collection look at babyccinokids. They have a bookshop on the site that will give you some ideas to start you off.

I can think of a few books but not 24. But I am sure that Amazon could also help as well as Barnes and Noble .

At Amazon you can even purchase some books inexpensively if they are used and perhaps you have some from your own childhood collection.

Each day you unwrap a different book from the “Advent Calendar” and that is the book that you read to your child  or children that evening.

It is simple and sweet.

The wrapping is what I think is the most work in this project.  Inexpensive tissue paper would be all that is necessary. I personally dislike wrapping but the rewards of wrapping are worth it here.

I loved the Advent Calendars that we used to have but this one seems like one of the all time best ideas yet.

If you have more than one child it is perfect as there are no candies or little toys that need to be shared.

Happy Holidays.

Let’s throw the assumptions out with the bathwater

Attachment Parenting

Let’s throw the assumptions out with the bathwater.

Erica Jong the noted author recently wrote an article  in the Wall Street Journal citing the “pitfalls” of “attachment parenting”. It produced many comments from those who understand the actual meaning of attachment parenting.

This commentary appeared in another blog and I think that it really has something to say. It is well worth reading. Apparently, Erica Jong’s daughter has some comments about her mother’s parenting style and how it affected her.

See what you think.

Traveling with Baby…

Travel with Baby

Traveling with “Baby” is never easy but there are so many helpful items and suggestions in today’s market to make life easier.

I have one of those items in my bag. I think that it could be helpful for those times that you just need to grab something and you just cannot remember which pocket of the diaper bag it is located. So frustrating…

This is an item that you could use in many different configurations but if you want it for Thanksgiving travel you better order it soon.

Here it is.

It is call Cocoon by GRID-IT ….

Alexythymia and mindfulness of feelings

Alexythymia and mindfulness of feelings.

Here is a link to a wonderful discussion on expression of feelings and the importance of cultivating this ability in your children.

Many people have problems with expressing their emotions and feelings and parents that have this difficulty can pass it on to their children.

Here are some suggestions for helping your child express himself and how he feels about things in his life.