
For anyone trying to get pregnant this is valuable information. 

your pregnancy: pre-conception

“Now that you’ve decided you want to have a baby, it’s time tostart keeping track of each of your periods, not only to know when you’re likely to be ovulating (and thus more fertile) but because once you’re pregnant, the date of your last period marks what doctors call “day #1” of your pregnancy (even though your egg didn’t get fertilized until sometime after then). Doctors will use this date as the jumping off point for due-date predictions and trimester tracking because it’s easier to know the day you started your last period (referred to as the LMP) than to know the moment his sperm met your egg. Including two pre-conception weeks helps to explain why a nine-month pregnancy really stretches to almost 10…..see more…Pregnancy week by week guide – Pre-conception – StumbleUpon.

Pain killers and birth defects

News from the March of Dimes about pain killers. If you are trying to become pregnant it is a good idea to check with your doctor regarding any medications that you take.

Better to be safe than sorry.

Pain killers and birth defects

Babies born to women who take opioid pain killers such as codeine, oxycodone or hydrocodone just before or in early pregnancy are at increased but modest risk of birth defects, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The study, recently published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, found 2-3 percent of mothers interviewed were treated with prescription opioid pain killers, or analgesics, just before or during early pregnancy. (The study did not examine illicit use of these medications.)

The most commonly used opioid meds reported by women were codeine and hydrocodone. Treatment with these pain killers was linked to several types of congenital heart defects as well as spina bifida, hydrocephaly, congenital glaucoma and gastroschisis, an abdominal wall defect. (The findings with some congenital heart defects also appeared in previous studies.) This study found that women who took prescription opioid medications just before or during early pregnancy had about two times the risk for having a baby with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (one of the most critical heart defects) as women who were not treated with them.

Congenital heart defects are the most common type of birth defect, affecting nearly 40,000 births in the United States each year. Many infants with congenital heart defects die in the first year of life, and infants who survive often require many surgeries, lengthy hospitalizations and a lifetime of treatment for related disabilities.

The studies lead author, Dr. Charyl S. Boussard, said , “It’s important to acknowledge that although there is an increased risk for some types of major birth defects from an exposure to opioid analgesics, that absolute risk for any individual woman is relatively modest. However, with very serious and life threatening birth defects like hypoplastic left heart syndrome, the prevention of even a small number of cases is very important.”

For more information on this study, click here.  Always talk with your health care provider if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy and you have taken or are considering taking any medication, whether prescription, over-the-counter or herbal.

Tags: birth defects, codeine, hydrocodone, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, opioids, oxycodone, pain killers, Pregnancy

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via News Moms Need » Blog Archive » Pain killers and birth defects.

Mom and Mom-to-Be Trends…

In honor of Friday…and Spring…here is a link to Amy Tara Koch’s blog about ‘bumping’ up your style without breaking the bank.

Style pregnancy and motherhood are not mutually exclusive as today’s stylists know. It does take an effort to put yourself together but with some really helpful free tips it can be easier and more fun than you ever dreamed.

FYI: here is a cute dress from Isabella Oliver that could be worn anytime, anywhere.

Have fun…

“The sun is coming out and magazines are announcing the latest and greatest Spring trends. Forget replacing your wardrobe. The trick to maintaining your sense of style from season to season? By layering basic garments with up-to-the-minute accent pieces-the colorful drippy scarf, the statement necklace, the vintage coin belt, the gumball sized agate earrings you can effectively camouflage the fact that the same few garments are being “rotated” week after week. Here’s what you need:


Is it OK for Boys to Wear Toenail Polish?


“ features top picks from its President and Creative Director Jenna Lyons—and her latest set featured a casual striped pullover, along with a pic of her and her son, Beckett, who’s sporting hot pink-painted toenails.

The caption accompanying the photo says: “Lucky for me, I ended up with a boy whose favorite color is pink. Toenail painting is way more fun in neon.

via Is it OK for Boys to Wear Toenail Polish? –

Of course it is okay for boys to wear toenail polish if they want to do so.

And yes, this young boy seems to be having a jolly old time playing and posing with his mother and his neon pink toenails.

There is so much media attention being given to this photo and what it may or may not be saying about  the sexuality of this young child.

As a clinical social worker, what I see here, is a child playing…what I know from the small print is:

  • he is playing with his mother and
  • he seems to be having fun.

What I would say a definitive NO to, is using this innocent moment to sell merchandise or make any kind of statement about gender confusion.

It is my opinion, by posting this particular photo and comment,  J. Crew is using this child’s playful moment to create a contrived controversy to promote its’ brand with the help and sanction of this little boy’s mother, who just happens to be an executive with J. Crew.

I would not throw my child’s playful moment into such a spotlight. I would cherish it.

This child is not the one craving to be the center of attention nor does he want to make any serious statement about his love of pink toenail polish. It seems it is his his mother’s need to say something here.

This little playfully sweet photo seems to be saying two things:

  • being a ‘princess boy ‘is okay and
  • J. Crew is accepting and is therefore okay too.

In the past few days, there has been another child in the media’s lens …a little girl who seemed to be physically exploited by a TSA agent who was doing her job and searching the child prior to boarding her flight.

So it seems, we have two children in the news who have been exploited…one physically and one emotionally.

The difference is that the parent of the child being searched was outraged.

On the other hand the  mother in the J. Crew picture was willingly part of the exploitation of her own child.

Shame on her…


Chewbeads…what a great idea…I really loved these when I saw them.

So many times I have decided not to wear my necklace when I am with my granddaughter for fear that she will pull or chew on it and it will break.

As we all know babies love to chew and when you are holding them close they will chew on a necklace or anything within their reach.

I still have some choking concerns about anything that a baby puts in his/her mouth and these ‘beads’ are no different .

That being said Chewbeads definitely seem to be worth checking out…right?

I have found a Mom’s review of  ‘chewbeads’ which is postive.

Here is the link to “The Chewbeads Story

“The idea for Chewbeads began in 2009 shortly after the birth of my son. Like most babies, he loved to put everything in his mouth and my necklaces were a favorite. Like most moms, I didn’t feel comfortable letting him chew on them, with concern that they might break or have unwanted chemicals. As a veteran of the fashion industry, I had an amazing collection of necklaces and bracelets, so with those as my inspiration, I set out to create soft, non-toxic jewelry, which was colorful, chic and, above all else safe. Hence, Chewbeads!

via Chewbeads-Baby Safe Mom Jewelry | Chewbeads.

Baby showers, and “sprinkles”

“Baby showers, and sprinkles”

For me  “Sprinkles” means cupcakes…delicious ones from Beverly Hills now with a store closer to home  here in Chicago. But apparently there is another meaning…continue reading a post from the March of Dimes.

I guess I could serve Sprinkles to the guests …YUM!

“We were talking about baby showers the other day and how nice they are for first time moms, how hugely helpful they are in jump-starting the whole ”there’s a baby in the house!” transition.

The question came up about whether or not folks give showers for second babies. One gal thought not, because you already have a crib and gear and baby clothes. Another one said, “Hey, we can’t gyp this baby out of cute stuff just ‘cause he’s second in line!”  A third said where she’s from they have showers for the second one, but they’re kind of toned down in the volume of gifts and the party is called a “sprinkle.”  Cute!  And my favorite response was from a gal who said where she’s from they have a party after the baby arrives called a “sip ‘n see.”

How ‘bout you? Do you attend second showers or sprinkles? What happens if the mom is pregnant with twins? Do you call it a downpour?  Would triplets be a thunderstorm?  Personally, I get a big kick out of these names and think that any support you can give a pregnant woman is a great idea.  I mean really, who doesn’t need diapers and butt cream?

Tags: baby gifts, baby shower, Pregnancy, pregnant woman, sprinkle

via News Moms Need » Blog Archive » Baby showers, and sprinkles.”

Pregnancy Fashion…Past and Present

Pregnancy and the word fashion stir up many feelings…right?

For anyone who was pregnant in the ’80’s these two words never appeared near each other in the same sentence.

At that time maternity clothes resembled tents made out of denim and literally every pregnant woman looked like she was expecting multiples!

Thanks to I am not sure what….fashion has finally addressed the needs of the pregnant woman and styles now emphasize her ‘baby bump’ rather than try to hide it. The fashions can actually be called ‘cute’.

One of my favorite fashionistas when it comes to pregnancy styles is Amy Tara Koch ,who has written a book, Bump It Upwhile you check out her book also have a look at her “Bump It UP Style Solutions” tour on her blog.

If you are pregnant or know someone that is…this book is a must for looking good and feeling good while pregnant. All the tricks of dressing well during each pregnancy trimester including the fourth trimester are included here.

This year has been a year to focus on celeb pregnancies as well…just look at young and beautiful Natalie Portman and the more mature celebrity fashion stylist Rachel Zoe. They along with others have taken their pregnancy bumps and fashion to a new level.

Many times feeling good is akin with looking good …

In today’s world so many pregnant women continue work in and outside the home. Each and every one of them deserves to look and feel good.

Sometimes it is as easy as finding a scarf already in her closet and the purchase of a new luscious lip gloss to go with it,  for a pregnant woman to accomplish just that.

And if you want to LOL ( and who doesn’t need a laugh) catch a glimpse of the video above and have a few chuckles on those of us who were pregnant in the ’80s.

Related Posts:

Stylish and pregnant…

Women’s Workplace Accommodations…

Do you know there is a United States Breastfeeding Committee ? Here is a reference to their statement concerning working moms and breastfeeding.



The United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) is an independent nonprofit coalition of more than 40 nationally influential professional, educational, and governmental organizations, that share a common mission to improve the Nation’s health by working collaboratively to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding.

via Welcome to the United States Breastfeeding Committee.



The United Stated Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) affirms that conditions in the workplace

have a substantial effect on breastfeeding duration. Three out of four U.S. mothers initiate

breastfeeding,1 and more than half of mothers participate in the labor force before their children

turn one year old.2 A supportive workplace plays a central role in enabling women to breastfeed,3

but current breastfeeding rates indicate that the lack of support in the workplace is a significant

barrier to breastfeeding for many working mothers.4″

Alcohol awareness month…

Alcohol is not recommended in any amount while pregnant…here is what the March of Dimes has to say:

Alcohol awareness month

Lots of women are aware that heavy drinking during pregnancy can cause birth defects, but many do not realize that moderate or even light drinking also may harm their developing baby. In fact, no level of alcohol use during pregnancy has been proven safe – none.

Many folks think that a glass of wine is good for your heart, which may or may not be true, but it’s not good for a developing baby.  Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause a wide range of physical and mental birth defects. The term “fetal alcohol spectrum disorders” (FASDs) is used to describe the many problems associated with exposure to alcohol before birth. Did you know that each year in the United States, up to 40,000 babies are born with FASDs? It’s such a shame because these problems are totally preventable – totally. It’s so simple, just don’t drink if you’re hoping to be or are pregnant.  Isn’t a healthy baby worth waiting a few months for that glass of vino?

We’ve given tips before about partying without the booze and offer different recipes for drinks.  We wanted to remind you of them during Alcohol Awareness Month. Take these suggestions to heart to keep your little one safe.

Tags: alcohol, alcohol awareness month, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, Pregnancy

via News Moms Need » Blog Archive » Alcohol awareness month.

children…’image gently’


Yesterday there was so much in the news about children and x-rays, in particular CAT scans.

The news ‘teasers’ kept repeating that ‘CAT scans for children may be doing more harm than good”


Well, I want to post what I found related to this news so that  parents can make the correct decisions for their children without all the fear.

First, here is what the news reported:

“Number Of Children Receiving CT Scans At EDs (Emergency Departments) Increases Fivefold From 1999.

The CBS Evening News (4/5, story 5, 2:35, Smith) reported, “Radiation is used in CT scans everyday and a study out today says more American children are getting them in the ER, especially for stomach problems and head injuries than ever before.” On NBC Nightly News (4/5, story 9, 2:15, Williams) lead study author, Dr. David Larson from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital was shown saying, “What we found was from 1995 to 2008 the number of CT scans that were done in children who visited the ED increased fivefold.”

Yes, this is true and surely some of these scans and x-rays may not have been totally indicated and yes ‘gently imaging’ techniques may not have  been used properly depending on the facility where the scans were performed.

First…lets define safety:

“Definition of Safety: Safety involves the processes and strategies to avoid or minimize unnecessary risk to the patient. “First, do no harm.”

via The Society for Pediatric Radiology: Safety.”

via ACR Daily News Scan.

Safety is of concern whenever children are exposed to radiation through x-rays.

As parents what do you need to know about x-rays and kids?

You need to know this: Radiologist have established protocols when it comes to pediatric x-rays…there is a recommdation referred to as ‘image gently’. This means use the least amount of radiation to accomplish the appropriate scan or x-ray.

You need to also know:

“Fluoroscopic procedures help us save kids’ lives!

But, when we image patients, radiation matters!

Children are more sensitive to radiation.

What we do now lasts their lifetimes

Image kids with care:

Pause and child-size the technique

use the lowest Pulse rate possible.

Consider ultrasound or MRI when possible.”

via image gently.

In addition to the above, parents need to be their child’s advocate when it comes to pediatric medical care.

“Helpful to both care-providers and parents: tracking the number of radiologic studies children are exposed to helps inform treating physicians of recent similar exams, helping them to decide if exams are necessary. Tracking the number of exams and location where the images are stored can be helpful in alerting families and their care providers to the issue of radiation safety.

Similar to an immunization record, use your choice of record size to record where and when a study was performed. This is particularly important when medical care is provided by a variety of physicians/ emergency rooms/ hospitals and can help decrease the number of repetitive exams.

via image gently

When faced with a pediatric medical situation parents need ask questions and get answers that they understand. If you are in a serious emergency with your child ask for the social worker or nurse manager to help you understand more clearly what is happening.

One thing you do not want to do is impede your child’s treatment but what you definitely want is to be an educated consumer of the medical care that is being recommended for your precious child.

I hope this post was helpful…