A “million” ways to soothe your infant…NOT!

Some days, I feel like there is nothing new under the sun! Do you ever feel that way?

In my 35+ years of practice as a maternal child nurse and reading as much as I do about parenting, this saying keeps resonating in my head…. “what is old is new again”.

We have made so many medical advances and now know how the brain lights up, as seen in a PET scan during moments of happiness, anger, and anxiety. The mind-body-spirit connection has finally been validated.

How does this and how should this affect the parenting of our children, beginning when they are in utero? The soothing of a fetus and newborn is of particular interest to me.

Just when I was convinced that I was in love with Dr. Harvey Karp‘s books “The Happiest Baby on the Block” and “The Happiest Toddler on the Block”  and his way of calming a crying newborn during the “fourth trimester”, a critical piece appeared on my Facebook page.

I  started to question my love of the Dr. Karp’s  5s’s. My feelings are an echo of what many new moms are feeling…who should moms believe? What philosophy of parenting works?

The “CALMS WAY” is just one of those soothing methods that jumped out of my computer a couple of weeks ago when I was reading a critical review of Dr. Karp’s 5s’s. I am still partial to Dr. Karp but I would try adding “self understanding and self calming to the 5s’s .

Parenting with Love is online magazine which supports the CALMS WAY…it is yet another site that can support new moms or add to their dilemma as to what to choose as their “Dr. Spock” or “Dr. T. Berry Brazelton” of 2012.

Moms, what do you think about the information age and all the parenting advice that is available?

How do you choose what to read and what methods to try?

How do you or how did you soothe your infant in the 4th trimester?

Are you overwhelmed with parenting philosophies?

Suggested reading:

6 Reasons I Am NOT Mom Enough!

 In fact, after the TIME article this week… I am not sure that I want to be mom enough!

These are my reasons why I do not consider myself, “mom enough”!

  • I did not breast feed either one of my children…yes there was a medical reason and it was 30 years ago, but so what?
  • I did not co-sleep more than one month when my daughters were infants…we did “co-sleep” during thunderstorms when they were older.
  • I did not wear my children around the house in a baby sling in fact I did not even know what a baby sling was at that time…. 1980′s
  • I fed my children Beechnut baby food and Gerber baby food…I did not make my own until they were toddlers.
  • I never heard of Dr. Sears…I had a book by Dr. Spock, which I did not read…I received a Growth and Development newsletter each month in the mail.
  • I did not listen to my mother or my other relatives who tried to give advice because I knew enough and had friends around me that had infants and we figured it out together…well sort of…

I could go on… but after my kids’ meager beginnings it probably doesn’t matter what else I DID DO as they grew into adulthood.

However, I am happy to report.
  • They still talk to me and me to them.
  • We celebrate holidays together although it is nothing like the “Gathering“(Christmas with Ed Asner)…
  • We argue…we bicker…we hug and kiss…for the most part we respect each other.
And another thing,
  • I do not carry around guilt…
  • I realize that I did the best I could with what I knew and had to give at the time.
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