Pregnancy at 29 weeks

Pregnancy at 29 Weeks


I can’t believe that in 10 weeks or so I will be meeting my new grandson for the first time!

Right now he weighs in at about 2 1/2 pounds. He is only the size of a butternut squash and is about 15 inches long from head to heel.

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Right now in his growth spurt he is making nutritional demands on his mom. He needs plenty of protein, Vitamin C, folic acid and iron along with Calcium to help his still developing and hardening bones. So it is time for my daughter to make sure she is still eating plenty of healthy foods like milk, cheese, yogurt and even enriched orange juice.

Source: Your pregnancy: 29 weeks | BabyCenter

If you are 29 weeks pregnant here are some of the things you may encounter:

  • You may be asked to do kick counts and notify you healthcare provider if you notice that your baby is becoming less active.
  • You may have a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on how baby is doing in utero.
  • Heartburn and constipation may return or become worse due to smooth muscle relaxation throughout your body and gastrointestinal tract causing sluggish digestion, gas and heartburn.
  • The crowding in your abdomen also contributes to your gastrointestinal discomfort.
  • Hemorrhoids can become troublesome at this time as well, so avoid sitting or standing for long stretches. Ask your provider before using over the counter remedies. Eating high fiber diet and drinking plenty of water and getting regular exercise continues to be important now.

Supine Hypotension Syndrome

When lying flat on your back the weight of your baby and uterus on major blood vessels may cause you to become lightheaded due to a change in your heart rate and blood pressure. Instead try to lay on you side and get up slowly to a standing position to avoid getting dizzy.

“Shake the pregnancy blahs by enjoying your last weeks of pre-baby freedom. Do all the things you probably won’t have time for — movies, facials, romantic dinners with your mate — once your little one is here.”

Now that you are 29 weeks into your pregnancy:

Make sure you buy these things to have on hand when baby comes.

  • Wipes and diapers
  • Small baby nail clippers, a baby thermometer take a look at the Kinsa it has a app for your phone I love it, a “snot sucker”, NoseFrida Nasal Aspirator and pacifier
  • Pick up some Dreft, baby laundry detergent
  • Sanitary pads for yourself
  • Thank you cards and stamps
  • Paper towels and paper plates for ease at meal and snack time


Pregnancy at 25 weeks

Pregnancy at 25 Weeks

Your baby is now about 13 1/2 inches long and weights approximately 1 1/2 pounds. He now has some baby fat on him and is starting to look more like a newborn. He has more hair with color and texture.

Pregnancy at 25 weeks

Your life at 25 Weeks Gestation

  • You may be finding it harder to get around at this point in your pregnancy. So be more careful when you are exercising and don’t work out when you are too tired, or have any pain. Your balance may be a little off and you definitely do not want to fall.
  • Do not lie flat on your back as the weight of your uterus impedes the flow of major blood vessels which can make you lightheaded and dizzy.
  • Drink plenty of water while you exercise.
  • Your hair will be thicker now…due to hormonal changes so enjoy your nice locks because  you will lose the extra hair after delivery.
  • You will be having a glucose screening between 24-28 weeks.
  • Baby names should no be on your schedule too. Make this a fun time for you and your significant other.

“To ease constipation, add oat or wheat bran to anything you can think of — cereal, yogurt, smoothies, or even spaghetti sauce.”

Third Trimester of Pregnancy is Coming Up:

  • You will see your practitioner every two weeks during weeks 28-36 and then it will become weekly.
  • Your practitioner will be checking on you physically and emotionally. Physically, he will ask you about contractions, vaginal discharge, bleeding or headaches. Make sure to mention if you are anxious or depressed.
  • There will be questions about your baby’s movements. If you baby becomes less active you will be instructed to call your caregiver. You may be asked to start counting your baby’s movements for a set period each day.
  • Weighing-in at each appointment is important as is checking your urine for sugar and protein a sign of preeclampsia.
  • Your blood pressure will be monitored as well as any swelling of your ankles, hands and face.
  • Baby’s heartbeat will be monitored also. Your abdomen will be measured too, which is a way to estimate the size of your baby.

Usually you will not have an internal exam until maybe the last four weeks. Your caregiver will probably discuss the signs of early or preterm labor as you get closer to your due date. He/she will also discuss signs of preeclampsia.

  • You should make a list of questions for your caregiver.
  • You might want to discuss circumcision and feeding of your baby.

Here are a list of tests coming up for some of you.

  • Hemocrit/hemoglobin, which tests for anemia
  • Glucose screening will be done and a Glucose Tolerance Test will be ordered if you screening is abnormal.
  • Rh antibody screening will be repeated if you are Rh-negative. If you are Rh-neg you will receive an injection of Rhogam (Rh immune globulin) at 28 weeks. This will protect you from developing anti-bodies, which would pose a risk to future babies or even to this child. If you and the father of the baby are both Rh-negative then your baby will also be Rh-negative and you will not need Rhogam.
  • If you are at risk, now is the time to check again for any STDs including HIV.
  • Biophysical profiles and non stress tests which check on your baby will be done if you have any complications.

Group B strep test: Between 35 and 37 weeks, you’ll be checked for group B streptococci (GBS) in your vagina and rectum. You won’t be treated right away if the cultures are positive, because early treatment is no guarantee that the bacteria won’t return. Instead, you’ll be treated with IV antibiotics when you’re in labor. (If you’ve previously given birth to a baby who had GBS, you can skip this test because you’ll be given antibiotics in labor no matter what.)

Taking care of yourself and significant other:

Take time for you and your significant other at this time of pregnancy. The next weeks will seem to take forever but they will actually speed by and before you know it, you will have your baby in your arms. So enjoy your time together before the arrival of your child.


Source:  | BabyCenter