Virtual Book Club for Kids…

What kind of reading do you do with your toddler/preschooler during the summer months? 

The unstructured time during the “dog days” of summer can leave reading behind the many fun outdoor activities. After surviving winter’s “cabin fever”, it is totally understandable to head outdoors any chance you can get. But it isn’t necessary to leave reading to rainy days…a book, a child and a shade tree make a pretty neat scene…don’t you agree?

The local library is always a resource and can provide a quiet, cool respite…even bookstores like Barnes and Noble have story times…but then you may have a struggle leaving without making a purchase. This can be problematic…and could make the excursion a disaster in the end.

I have come across a virtual summer book club for kids…it sounds like a winner!

The choices of books for this month are among some of my favorites, reason alone for me and my grandchild to participate.

For various reasons, book clubs are not for everyone  but certainly this one offers some ideas to help create your own reading program at home.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need all the helpful creative idea suggestions that I can get. As a grandmother it has been awhile since I have done pre-school summer reading! Admittedly, I welcome the challenge.

See for yourself, visit  “Summer Virtual Book Club for Kids“. Feel free to share some of your summer reading ideas for kids.

I am always anxious for new suggestions.

Toddler Approved!: Summer Virtual Book Club for Kids.

One thought on “Virtual Book Club for Kids…

  1. You won’t believe it, but I’m going back to my roots, I have a mental lesson plan, with three…’s getting to be a must…circle time is my reading time,
    Today- A Fly Went By
    And they love puppets right now, so I will perform a show on Friday for my grandaughter who turns three that day, party on Saturday, so Nana has lots of things up her short sleeves! I taught and directed preschools for ten years, then taught 16 years in elementary…so it does come back. When my daughters gave me grandkids, I cut back on my guest speaking and school safety assemblies, and just sat down and wrote the book on the subject ! Now , Number four is on her way, my daughter is on complete Bed rest lest she come too soon….busy busy..couldn’t be happier, Happy Summer!

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