We Welcome a New Baby Boy!

Baby Boy is Here!

Welcome Grandson

our new little

baby boy.

we are thrilled you are here

there is no one like you

little boy.

you are amazing

you are unique.

we pray for you

we thank God for you.

we are blessed

to have

you are in our lives.

May God Watch Over You


Always Be At Your Side

Tiny Little One.

Baby Boy

Little Hands

 There is nothing like the birth of a child to show us the miracle that is life itself!

End the Mommy Wars Please!

Mommy Wars…No More!

This is a sponsored post. I am a Partner in the Sisterhood of Motherhood from Similac. Thanks for supporting Parenting in the Loop.

Sisterhood of Motherhood End Mommy Wars

I love social media and good discussions but when it turns to a “war” of words over how moms are raising their children I want to scream!

Instead of shunning the Mommy Wars I am trying to be part of the solution and #EndMommyWars by participating as a proud partner in Similac’s Sisterhood of Motherhood.

  • What about you all?
  • Are you sick of moms criticizing each other like I am?
  • What experiences have you had with critical moms while trying to raise your kids?

If you like you can share your Mommy Wars Story at Similac on the Similac Facebook page via a short selfie video.

Sharing and helping to let other moms know that they are not alone in their moments of happiness and struggle is to me one of the greatest advantages of social media.

So lets help each other out and share our stories! Let’s end the mommy wars with this hashtag .  #EndMommyWars!

“Share your mommy war story on the Similac Facebook page using #EndMommyWars.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy-xB-hHHGo&feature=em-upload_owner