What Every Parent and Grandparent Should Know…

This video and post could be one of the most important ones that any parent reads  or watches, especially if you ever have to take your baby or child to an emergency room.

We all know that Emergency Rooms are not all created equal… and that is something that should concern any adult who takes a sick baby or child to a hospital in an emergency situation.


Apparently, there is no standardization for how equipped an ER needs to be when it comes to caring for children. Sadly, this can prove and has proven fatal for some babies and young children.

I have recently learned about the R Baby Foundation and it mission to save babies lives by improving pediatric ER care.

I hope you will read about this Foundation. Baby R’s  story is heart wrenching. It is my hope that Baby R’s parents are able to derive some solace knowing that they are helping to make life saving health care available to all babies and children.

Our Mission

R Baby Foundation is the first and only not-for-profit foundation uniquely focused on saving babies lives through improving pediatric emergency care.

R Baby Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that babies, including those in the first month of life suffering from viral infections and other infectious diseases, receive the highest quality of care and service through supporting life-saving pediatric training, education, research, treatment and equipment.

Related stories:

Jenny Isenman: How a Friend Saved Lives After the Death of Her Baby — What Every Mom Should Know.


R Baby Foundation Fundraiser and Gala

Week in Review…Parenting in the Loop

Highlights of the week…sharing some of the videos and reads of the last few days.

Please enjoy this beautiful time-lapse video!

Exclusive breast-feeding may just be too hard, study says:

Progesterone…questionsl and answers.

It was a great week here in Chicago with weather that was over the top….I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Help To Find a Breastfeeding-Supportive Hospital

If you are planning on a hospital delivery and on breastfeeding there are questions you might want to ask when you tour the hospital. Supportive breastfeeding leads to successful breastfeeding.

Hospitals can vary very much in their support of the breastfeeding mother. The first few days of baby’s life is so important in the over all successful establishment of breastfeeding.

Arming yourself with good questions and getting the answers from the hospital staff will prepare you for what you will have to do to ensure a good feeding experience for you and your baby.

Some suggestions for a question list:

  • Ask your hospital if they are a  Baby Friendly hospital i.e.. do they follow Unicef guidelines when it comes to breastfeeding?
  • What kid of lactation support does the hospital offer?
  • Do they give the moms formula free diaper bags?
  • Do they initiate breastfeeding and skin to skin contact immediately after delivery?
  • What is the breast feeding policy in the NICU

viaTop 10 Questions to Help You Find a Breastfeeding-Supportive Hospital | Best for Babes.

In my opinion, parents-to-be can never have too much information prior to the birth of their child.

Knowing what questions to ask is part of getting the information that you need at this time of transition to parenthood.

Breastfeeding at Target…is the jury still out on this one?

If you are wondering like I was yesterday if the “Nurse-In” at Target was successful…here is the answer.

No apology from Target and that is exactly what I expected…if you apologize it is an admission of “wrong doing” isn’t it?

Large corporations are not in the habit of admitting wrong doing…ever!

I wonder if moms are satisfied with Target’s statement … was there enough media coverage on 12/28 ,,, personally, I don’t think so.

If the attitude towards breastfeeding anytime, anyplace is to change…there should be some prominent media coverage to bring this issue to the forefront. Let’s face it, most of us are not breastfeeding so this affects only a small segment of the population. In reality however, it affects the health and well-being of children…so the affects are extremely far reaching.

Should this not be of more concern to the public at large? Any opinions out there?

What needs to be done?

Did the Target nurse- in get results? | BabyCenter.

10 Choking Hazards…


Choking Hazards

“According to a 2008 study, the 10 foods that pose the highest choking hazards for young children are hot dogs, peanuts, carrots, boned chicken, candy, meat, popcorn, fish with bones, sunflower seeds and apples.

If a child is more than 1 year old, perform the Heimlich maneuver. If the child is younger than 1, rest the child face down on your knee and slap the back between the shoulder blades five times. More information can be found at healthychildren.org.”

via The 10 Biggest Choking Hazards – NYTimes.com.

Choking is a serious situation for any child. It is best to stay away from foods that can pose a choking hazard for your child.

Even if you are vigilant when feeding these foods to your little one it is not worth the risk.

In addition to the choking risk, a child can aspirate any of these foods while coughing to prevent themselves from choking. Aspiration occurs when food or liquids are inhaled into the lungs. This can cause serious complications for a child and can also result in death.

A child’s trachea or “wind pipe” is very tiny ,not even as large as your pinky finger, so it only takes something quite small to block the trachea and cause a child to choke and not be able to breath.

Small pieces of food are recommended. Children and babies should always have someone with them while they are eating. They should not eat in the car or walking around. Ideally, they should be in their own seat or high chair.

All caregivers and parents should be trained in CPR for babies and children in case of an emergency.


  • high risk foods: hot dogs, food with bones, candy,including, peanuts, sunflower seeds, apples and carrots.
  • babies and young children should be supervised when eating.
  • babies and young children should not eat walking around or in the car.
  • babies and children should eat while seated in their own seats or high chair.
  • caregivers and family members should be trained in CPR for babies and children