Sleep Solutions…

Last week, I blogged about sleep and our resident 3 year old. I thought that I should report on our progress.

Well, most nights we have done okay…after all is said and done she has usually been asleep by 8:30pm…not bad, right?

We have not been too rigid in our routine and it works sort of like this…

  • We begin bedtime routine at around 7pm … going upstairs and either a bath or washing up and toileting.
  • Books are chosen…we try to stick with only one book but I have to admit sometimes we vary and read two or three short ones.
  • Mama, Nana or Papa usually rock with her for about 5 mins…sometimes more but never less, (sometimes I fall asleep).
  • Into bed…hugs and kisses…
  • Sometimes, I return to the rocker for 5 more minutes and then leave the room with her asleep or almost .

I have to admit it was easier when she was an infant and before she learned the art of procrastination.

Back then, it was a bath…quiet time…with her toys on the bedroom floor and a picture book.

Into the crib with lights out and some music playing…she would talk to herself and then off to sleep …

We were always listening on the monitor from the comfort of our own room…

With summer fast approaching and the evenings beckoning for more time outside, this routine will undoubtedly be disrupted and refined to include trips to the ice cream parlor and to the park…I cannot wait!

Sleep schedules will always be somewhat fraught with issues but we will roll with the changes…

Bring on summer….and a more relaxed schedule.

Daylight Savings and Your Child’s Sleep…

I am a fan of “Sleepy Planet“. Here are their tips for transitioning your children to Daylight Savings Time.
When your children sleep well so can you.
Spring Ahead Without
Falling Behind on Sleep
Daylight Savings This Sunday, March 13

Here’s how to help your little one transition to the new time change smoothly.  Before bed, turn clocks ahead 1 hour.  If your child normally sleeps till 6:30 AM, the next morning she will likely sleep till 7:30 AM.  Her entire schedule – naps and bedtime – will then shift one hour later.

If you’re happy about this change, great!  Just protect her room from too much light in the early morning, and use white noise so she won’t wake with the birds.

If you’d rather help your child get back to her usual schedule, try the following:
1.  Put your child down at her regular bedtime, say 7:30 PM, on Saturday night.
2. Set your alarm for 6:30 AM (according to the new clock) and wake your child at this time.  To her, it will feel like it’s 5:30 AM, but don’t worry.  She’ll be tired, but she’ll adjust.
3.  If your child naps, put her down at her normal nap time according to the new clock and resume a normal schedule from there.  Don’t allow her to nap longer than usual.
4.  On Sunday night, put her down at her usual bedtime according to the new time.Although the clocks are shifting later, this is the time of year when morning light is intense and bright – and when little springtime birdies start their songs very early!  So remember to protect your child’s environment by making sure no morning light peeks in to wake him before he’s ready (such as by using blackout shades), and protect him against potentially disruptive sounds, too (such as by using an air purifier or sound machine).For more information about early wakings, check out our book, 

The Sleepeasy Solution – or email to set up a consult.