TGIF-Weekend Reading

Weekend Reading


Memorial Day Weekend

Martha’s Vineyard

Are you getting ready for a long weekend and the beginning of the Summer season by finding a beach read?

I do love the beginning of summer. But, in my opinion, anytime is a time for reading, especially when you have a few extra hours to devote to relaxing and catching up.

So here are some short articles for you to peruse in the next few days when you get that minute!


Do you hate listening to all those kid CDs in the car or even at home? Then this article might help make your music more appealing to your children. It may come in handy if you are taking a road trip this holiday weekend.

You don’t have to listen to kiddie tunes even though you have a kid. Check these out.

Depression News

Having depression is serious. Most of us, at sometime in our lives, have experienced a feeling of being down or depressed. The recent findings from a study done in England are quite astounding. Depression can cause a shorter life expectancy due to changes in our DNA.

The good news is this, the process is more than likely reversible. There is evidence in studying mice that were stressed and showed the same DNA changes as humans who were depressed. The mice improved when they were removed from the stressors. The mice actually recovered from the stress. The mice cells literally returned to health. This is wonderful news about depression and its possible treatments.

Depression has always been seen as a mood disorder to those who haven’t experienced it and sometimes, even those who have don’t understand the science behind the way depression affects your brain. New research has come to light showing that depression can change your DNA and change the way in which your cells generate energy.


Working Moms

It seems that everyone has an opinion over what is better for kids, a working mom or a stay at home mom. It is one of the topics that continues to ignite the mommy wars. This is an interesting article discussing the positive side of having a mother who works.


Nearly three-quarters of American mothers with children at home are employed. That fact doesn’t necessarily make it any easier for mothers to drop a toddler at day care or miss school plays. The mommy wars might seem like a relic of the 1990s, but 41 percent of adults say the increase in working mothers is bad for society, while just 22 percent say it is good, according to the Pew Research Center.

Memorial Day Weekend is here. I hope you enjoy it. Let’s honor our military.

Bedtime Rituals for Kids


I sort of love rituals…it makes me feel somewhat secure to know that I do a certain thing  almost all the time and that some things are therefore predictable.

In the morning, my ritual is a cup of coffee, I am not the same person if I skip this ritual.

Orange juice at breakfast has also been a ritual for me since childhood as has been breakfast. My grandmother was a firm believer in breakfast. She made it every morning, whether we wanted it or not.

My morning ritual of coffee and breakfast is comforting and I rarely change it, I almost never skip breakfast of some sort and I never skip my coffee.

For children, rituals are also comforting and help to settle them when life hands them a chaotic moment.

A kiss from us when they fall down or a hug from us when they are crying is something that they rely on for comfort.

Bedtime rituals provide comfort at the end of a busy day. It can be very calming for a child to have us join in their bedtime routine of a bath, quiet time and reading. It is a time to help them settle down and quiet themselves. It can also be a time for us to talk with them about whatever is going on in their little heads.

The bedtime ritual of reading with my grandchild is one that I cherish.  Children’s books are wonderful and they generate such an opportunity to interact, whether it is about school, play, friends, or family. Even fairy tales have lessons to teach. The classics like Madeline and Winnie the Pooh bring back so many memories.

Life can feel so frenzied…it bothers me to see little ones lose out on story time before going off to sleep…it is a ritual that just might stay with them long into adulthood. Reading before bed can be relaxing and a way to self soothe as they did when as infants they watched their mobiles in their cribs. Soothing music goes well with bedtime too.

Honestly, after reading and music listening, I am ready for bed myself but many nights my computer beckons me to finish the business at hand. On those nights when “home” work has to get done…I feel robbed…just as I would if I did not have my coffee waiting for me in the morning.

What are some of your favorites to read with your children?



The benefits of parents reading to children are numerous, everything from stimulating a child’s cognitive, social and emotional development, to exposing them to language and storytelling, Zuckerman said. Bedtime stories also provide a special opportunity for parents and kids to interact, and create a “quieting tradition” as the child gets ready to go to sleep, he added.“Most family rituals – from families eating together to doing a variety of activities together – are declining because adults are busy and because everyone is on their machines,” Zuckerman said.

via Sweet dreams, bedtime story? Many parents skip nightly ritual –

Virtual Book Club for Kids…

What kind of reading do you do with your toddler/preschooler during the summer months? 

The unstructured time during the “dog days” of summer can leave reading behind the many fun outdoor activities. After surviving winter’s “cabin fever”, it is totally understandable to head outdoors any chance you can get. But it isn’t necessary to leave reading to rainy days…a book, a child and a shade tree make a pretty neat scene…don’t you agree?

The local library is always a resource and can provide a quiet, cool respite…even bookstores like Barnes and Noble have story times…but then you may have a struggle leaving without making a purchase. This can be problematic…and could make the excursion a disaster in the end.

I have come across a virtual summer book club for kids…it sounds like a winner!

The choices of books for this month are among some of my favorites, reason alone for me and my grandchild to participate.

For various reasons, book clubs are not for everyone  but certainly this one offers some ideas to help create your own reading program at home.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need all the helpful creative idea suggestions that I can get. As a grandmother it has been awhile since I have done pre-school summer reading! Admittedly, I welcome the challenge.

See for yourself, visit  “Summer Virtual Book Club for Kids“. Feel free to share some of your summer reading ideas for kids.

I am always anxious for new suggestions.

Toddler Approved!: Summer Virtual Book Club for Kids.