Strutting that stroller…

Finally it is Spring and time to get outside with your little ones…STROLLER SAFETY is essential so here are some pointers from the March of Dimes. Happy and safe strolling!

Dig out those strollers…

Springtime is here and many moms are enjoying the spring flowers blooming while taking long walks with their babies or toddlers.  When you’re digging out and dusting off your strollers from your car trunk or garage make sure to also do a safety check on your strollers.  Some helpful tips include:

1) Test the stroller safety brakes. If you need to stop on your walk use the safety brake.

2) Check all safety straps, harnesses and seat beats to see if they are secure and properly working.

3) Always use the safety harnesses, straps and seatbelts when your child is inside the stroller. Unexpected sidewalk and street bumps are likely to pop up.

4) Make sure your baby can lie flat on her back in their stroller for sleep position

5) Inspect the wheels and make sure they are operating properly and there are no loose hinges or screws.

6) Check weight limits to see if the stroller is still appropriate for your child’s age, height and weight and do not create seats for older children where there are not official stroller seats and seatbelts.

7) If in doubt about your stroller, call your stroller manufacturer with your questions or purchase a new stroller that is appropriate for your child’s height, weight and growth.

Do not hang excessive bags, backpacks on your handlebars of your stroller, it could tip over.

These simple tips can help mom and baby or toddler stay comfortable and safe for those strolls in the park.  Happy spring!

Tags: stroller safety, tips for stroller safety

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