Pregnancy at 16 Weeks

Pregnancy at 16 Weeks

Pregnancy at 16 Weeks

How your baby’s growing

Your baby is the size of an avocado about 4 1/2 inches long and 3 1/2 ounces.

  • his head is more erect
  • legs are more developed
  • his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head
  • ears are closer to their final position
  • scalp patterning has begun
  • toenails are starting to appear
  • his heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood each day

Life and pregnancy:

  • the top of your uterus is halfway between pubic bone and your navel
  • your round ligaments are thickening and stretching as your uterus grows
  • there is probably less nausea, few mood swings and glowing skin
  • overall there is a sense of “well-being”
  • soon you will be feeling your baby’s movement
  • you may feel the movement between 16 and 18 weeks but maybe not until 20 weeks
  • the early movements might feel like gas bubbles or little flutters


You probably will gain about 12 to 14 pounds this trimester, with a total gain of 25 to 35 pounds if you began pregnancy at your average weight. Follow the guidelines of your caregiver.

As a couple you might want to plan a romantic getaway because we all know how hard it will be for you to both getaway for even a weekend alone once your baby arrives. By your third trimester, the time might be flying so fast and you might not feel like going away or you might not even feel too romantic. Even planning a stay-cation might be just what you need during the second trimester.

via Your pregnancy: 16 weeks | BabyCenter.