Kids Couture for the Holidays…Dress for Less!

Another way to beat the consumer mentality of the Holiday Season is to visit Borrow Baby Couture. Borrowing and paying only a small percentage of the actual dress cost is much better than buying a Holiday dress that may be … Continue reading

Are You a Crazed Christmas Consumer?

  But then the Christmas commercials started. Not in December, not in late November, but back in October or maybe even September. And that is when the chorus began. It didn’t matter what type of plastic crap was being advertised, … Continue reading

“Happy Holidays”…

Okay…after watching the “madness” of Black Friday and Small Business Saturday and not really partaking in it to any degree…I am thinking about how to shop this season without breaking the bank and without letting my adrenalin kick in too … Continue reading

Celebrate…Four Seasons Chicago Staycation!

My husband and I have been married for 35 years. Over those years, we have celebrated many memorable occasions together with our family at The Four Seasons Hotel, Chicago. Birthdays, Mother’s Days, Christmas and even St.Patrick’s Day are some of many family … Continue reading

What to Wear for the Holidays???

That’s right the holidays are fast approaching and this question begs to be answered, “What should my baby or little girl wear?” I have just the suggestion, one which will help dress your child or grandchild stylishly for a fraction … Continue reading

How do You Explain Disasters to Children? Here is our story…

  The last week has been an emotional roller coaster for me as I watched my friends and family suffer through the Superstorm #Sandy. I am in no way comparing my own anxieties to those, who actually weathered this catastrophic … Continue reading