I Have Another Blog @ ChicagoNow

Did you know that I write another blog over @ChicagoNow?

Chicago blog

For several months now, I have been publishing thoughts on a blog at “Today’s Grandmum”. It has been challenging to keep up with new and interesting stuff on two sites and I am not sure that as of this moment I would consider myself successful at this challenge…at least not yet!

This past Sunday, I was able to enjoy a front page New York Times story about a NYC firefighter. It touched my heart in many ways. It was a short memoir experience of sorts, which made me experience the empathic feeling of being in Firefighter Sullivan’s heavy gear. I shared his anxiety and fear and finally his relief and joy afterwards.

Firefighter Sullivan’s experience as a “probie” in New York City’s Fire Department was chronicled from his lowly firehouse chores to his “baptism by fire” at his first fire where he rescued an infant with whom he shared his oxygen mask to give the child needed air to save his life. A new firefighter rarely has enough oxygen for himself during his first fire due  to his nervousness which cause him to suck in from his tank rather than just breathing normally thus depleting his reserve of oxygen must faster than normal.

First fire stores are burned into a firefighter’s memory forever more. They use their story to help other young firefighters prepare for their initial fire.

Firefighter Sullivan’s “baptism by fire” inspired my latest blog post @ChicagoNow

I invite you to read my blog, Today’s Grandmum for the full story.

Let me know what you think about my new effort. Read a few of the posts and remember comments are always welcome. I appreciate all my readers and would love to hear from you here and over at ChicagoNow where there are many interesting blogs by some very talented writers.


I Have a New Blog!

I am excited to tell you all that I have a new blog,

blog and grandmothersToday’s Grandmum at ChicagoNow.

I will be continuing to post on both blogs,

Parenting in the Loop and Today’s Grandmum.

It has been thrilling to be chosen to join the great group of bloggers at ChicagoNow.

It is my hope that you will click on it and enjoy some of the great topics from some of Chicago’s finest bloggers.

When I began this blog a little more than five years ago, it was a very new endeavor for me. At the time, I was a new grandmother and I was interested in everything baby and newborn.  As a former, mother/baby nurse, newborns were hardly a mystery but I had to admit that much had changed in the years since I had my own children. Fortunately, it seemed that all my questions about baby products, foods, diapers, sleep training etc could be answered with a click of my mouse.

Not only were products available but young moms, who had real experience with these products were posting their opinions on their blog.

It was somewhat overwhelming.

But then, I began to realize there were no grandparent opinions. I am not quite sure what I was looking for but there was not anyone over 40 blogging about their parenting and grandparenting  experience. The reality is that there are many grandparents raising their grandchildren due to varied circumstances. Where were they?

So my decision was made…I would attempt to blog about parenting as a grandmother.


Parenting in the Loop was born!

I have met so many wonderful parents, grandparents and people in general, who are on this journey and are willing to share it.

At the click of my mouse, I can talk to virtual friends all over the country and the world.

It has been a truly gratifying experience and it has helped me share my knowledge now that I am somewhat “retired” from nursing and social work, although I remain available online and on Skype for parenting support.

I welcome you to my blogs and Facebook. I am always grateful for your comments.

Happy Friday!

Top 10 Parenting Bloggers on Twitter

Here is a list that I came across in my internet ‘travels’ this week. I found it so very interesting. These are bloggers who on the top of their mark. They are accomplished writers and give other parenting bloggers like myself a bar to measure themselves by.

I cannot lie…I would love to be on this list…I would even be happy if I were in the top 100 Parenting Bloggers on Twitter, if there is such a list.

For me:

  • Blogging is a passion…it is away of sharing with others, which is what I have done professionally for my entire career as a maternal child nurse and clinical social worker.
  • Blogging allows me to reach out farther than I ever imagined possible in my lifetime.
  • Blogging is an opportunity to share the knowledge that I have gathered over a long career of helping others.
  • Blogging is my way of thanking those who generously helped me along the way in nursing and social work, especially those who shared their professional knowledge freely so I could be better at what I do.

I am ever grateful for this wonderful opportunity and grateful for my followers and those that click on the ‘LIKE’ icon and those that comment.

Maybe someday I will have a ranking among those parenting bloggers that are listed above…I will keep on trying.

In that effort, please join me on Facebook (Parenting in the Loop) and Twitter  (@lorettelavine) if you are so inclined …I will try not to disappoint you.

Thank you all and please let me know what you want to read about.

Swimsuit Competition…

“They might not even be in training bras yet, but for girls who shop at Abercrombie & Fitch, it’s never too early for a padded swimsuit.”

via Padded swimsuits for all? Abercrombie and Fitch marketing padded tops to young girls.

Abercrombie and Fitch has sunk to a new low with their marketing of padded swimsuit tops to young girls.

Abercrombie is sexualizing young girls with its new line of bathing suit tops, push ups…push up what at such a young age??

The news media is all over this one…some parents are not particularly concerned…their response simply is to just not buy this particular item.

The professionals that treat adults and children are not so quick to dismiss the discussion…they are concerned about the message young girls are getting about their bodies.

They are concerned that girls are becoming too concerned about their “packaging” rather than feeling good about themselves because of their accomplishments.

Okay…what can we do?

  • we can blog, Twitter and Facebook about Abercrombie’s marketing and advertising policies.
  • we can refuse to buy other items that Abercrombie sells
  • we can keep the discussion going and let Abercrombie know what we as parents will and will not tolerate when it comes to our pocketbooks as this is Abercrombie’s bottom line…PROFIT.