Here is a list that I came across in my internet ‘travels’ this week. I found it so very interesting. These are bloggers who on the top of their mark. They are accomplished writers and give other parenting bloggers like myself a bar to measure themselves by.
I cannot lie…I would love to be on this list…I would even be happy if I were in the top 100 Parenting Bloggers on Twitter, if there is such a list.
For me:
- Blogging is a passion…it is away of sharing with others, which is what I have done professionally for my entire career as a maternal child nurse and clinical social worker.
- Blogging allows me to reach out farther than I ever imagined possible in my lifetime.
- Blogging is an opportunity to share the knowledge that I have gathered over a long career of helping others.
- Blogging is my way of thanking those who generously helped me along the way in nursing and social work, especially those who shared their professional knowledge freely so I could be better at what I do.
I am ever grateful for this wonderful opportunity and grateful for my followers and those that click on the ‘LIKE’ icon and those that comment.
Maybe someday I will have a ranking among those parenting bloggers that are listed above…I will keep on trying.
In that effort, please join me on Facebook (Parenting in the Loop) and Twitter (@lorettelavine) if you are so inclined …I will try not to disappoint you.
Thank you all and please let me know what you want to read about.