Your pregnancy at 19 weeks

Pregnancy at 19 Weeks

Pregnancy at 19 Weeks

Baby at Nineteen Weeks Gestation


Pregnancy at nineteen weeks and how your baby’s growing

  • Sensory development continues, your baby’s brain is specializing.
  • Taste, smell, hearing, vision and touch are developing.
  • It is time to talk and read to your baby and play your favorite music as well.
  • Baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and is about 6 inches long from head to rump.
  • Vernix caseosa is appearing on his skin to protect him from the amniotic fluid
  • Hair is also growing now.

Your life is changing too:

You may notice that you will be growing faster in the next weeks to come. This may produce some achiness brought on by your round ligaments which support your uterus and its increasing weight and size. If you have pain that continues when you are resting or if it becomes severe consult with your practitioner.

Skin changes:

  • Palms of hands may become red from extra estrogen
  • Darkened skin patches (chloasma) may appear on your upper lip, cheeks and forehead (mask of pregnancy). This is caused by increased pigment in your skin which is temporary.
  • Protect yourself from the sun, which will increase the pigment changes, use sunscreen as well.

“I wasn’t sure if I could feel my baby moving, so a friend suggested I lie down for a while. After a few minutes, I started feeling a butterfly sensation in my lower abdomen. It was amazing!

– Linda B.

via Your pregnancy: 19 weeks | BabyCenter.


I can’t believe that we will be welcoming a new grandchild in the next 20 weeks or so. A new little one to love and cherish in our family. Those little feet and hands and those baby sounds and smells are just so precious. Waiting for a new baby…