Fever medicines…when and how….

Children and Fevers…

“Parents should not dose up children who have a simple fever on regular spoonfuls of paracetamol and ibuprofen, according to doctors who say that doing so could put them at risk.”

via Fever medicines ‘given to children too readily’ – Telegraph.

This is the recent news out of the American Academy of Pediatrics

It has been found that many dosage errors occur when giving medications to children. I have posted about this in past posts.

Now it is believed that parents are treating fevers with acetaminophen and ibuprophen when perhaps it is not really necessary.

If children are not uncomfortable then it might actually be okay to let the fever run its course. This depends on a few guidelines and for that you should ask your child’s pediatrician.

We are a society where over-the-counter medications are deemed harmless. They really are not harmless and when given to children, parents and caregivers must be diligent label readers. They also must be very careful to use a measuring syringe and properly measure the amount of medication that they are giving to their child. Only give the medication at the scheduled intervals. If this requires that you right it down and keep a chart then do it…

  • over-the-counter medications are not harmless
  • always read medicine labels
  • use a measuring baby/child syringe to give children medication
  • give medication at the recommended scheduled intervals
  • keep a chart

Our children depend on us to take care of them and we must not disappoint them…their lives and health depend upon it.

Spiritually mature parents…

Beautiful Quote !

‎”Spiritual maturity is the ability to endure paradox. If paradox means that which is contradictory, then parenting surely takes the cake… I am totally attached to my children, and I can let them go. I can respond to their needs as well as take care of my own. I will always see them as my babies, and I can learn to be with them, adult to adult.” Peggy O’Mara, “Softer Shades of Gray,” Mothering issue #65, Fall 1992

5 Things Moms Should Know About Induction |

This is an excerpt from Babble.com’s blog.

Now I really like Babble.com but sometimes another mom’s tale of woe is simply scary stuff for other moms-to-be especially anyone facing an induction of labor.


“In a time where induction of labor is such a popular thing for mothers, there is a lot of misinformation, as well as information being left out, including risks and statistics.

With my oldest son I was induced, and there were many risks that were left out of the conversation with my provider. I was told I needed to be induced for a medical reason and went along with it despite being two days away from my due date.

In the long run, my induction was hellish, and ended in a c-section like many inductions do. Had I known this, I would not have opted for the induction because my biggest fear in childbirth was a c-section.

My top 5 things that I think all mothers should

via 5 Things Moms Should Know About Induction | Being Pregnant.

  1. Increased risk for c-section
  2. Increased risk for your baby
  3. Increased risk that your baby will be admitted to the NICU
  4. Risk for premature baby
  5. Pitocin contractions are stronger and longer”

As a maternal-child nurse articles like this one grate on my last nerve…I really feel badly for the mom that had such a bad experience.

To add more scare tactics there is an added video that accompanies this post and it literally makes me want to scream.

While working for an ob-gyn at a NYC medical center/teaching hospital I had the opportunity to interview many moms who came to our practice because of the experiences that they had at other hospitals in the metropolitan area. The differences in practices can be alarming.

  • First and foremost a pregnant woman has to have trust in her doctor and the others in the group.
  • Inductions should not be a cascade of bad events leading to a c-section.
  • Yes, pitocin is a strong drug but it can be titrated to provide the stimulus for good productive contractions.
  • Yes, these contractions will hurt and when the bag of water is broken these contractions can feel more painful. These are the facts.
  • As far as the fetus getting less and less oxygen…well when the uterus is contracting the fetal heart does usually mirror the contraction. As the contractions get stronger the fetal heart pumps harder and then goes back to its baseline as does the uterus whether the contractions are induced or not.
  • Unless there is umbilical cord compression or other reasons for fetal distress this is how the fetal heart will normally respond to labor contractions.

Fetal distress are words no one wants to hear…and lets face it this is a highly litigious medical area of practice. So as soon as there are legitimate signs of fetal distress a c-section will be discussed and strongly suggested.

Again…there really has to be trust in your physician at this point.

It is not the induction that is necessarily causing the fetal distress…there are so many factors.

  • cords get wrapped around fetuses’ necks…
  • due dates may be off slightly causing the placenta to be no longer functioning optimally,
  • there can be a knot or more in the cord of a fetus who early on had been doing flips in utero.

These are events that are not predictable. Trust….

My sincere advice:

  • talk to your physician and
  • if you are uncomfortable talk to someone else
  • read and gather information,
  • talk to an experienced nurse from labor and delivery

Do whatever it takes to be an informed consumer of healthcare.

I have worked with many, many physicians and nurses. Most are excellent. There are the few not so good ones that make the news and the blogs…that is true with every profession.

No one wants to perform a c-section for a bogus reason…no one wants a mom to have a failed induction. But when a woman gets pregnant a c-section is a possibility.

Get to know your doctor….you usually have three trimesters …you should know each other pretty well by then.

Sudden Infant Deaths Most Common on New Year’s

SIDS Follow-up

“Researchers analyzed a database of 129,090 deaths from SIDS from 1973-2006 and 295,151 other infant deaths during that time period. They found that the highest number of deaths from SIDS occur on New Year’s Day: They spike by almost a third above the number of deaths that would be expected on a winter day.

The study doesn’t prove that anything is the cause of the SIDS deaths. (The number of other kinds of infant deaths didn’t spike significantly on New Year’s Day.) However, the researchers point out that there’s plenty of drinking on New Year’s Eve. They point to research that says the number of people involved in alcohol-related car crashes skyrockets on New Year’s Eve, well beyond any other day of the year.”

via Sudden Infant Deaths Most Common on New Year’s – iVillage.

Jogging stroller recall….

Another recall…

“B.O.B. Trailers, Inc. has recalled about 337,000 B.O.B.® single and double strollers. A drawstring on the stroller can get wrapped around a child’s neck, posing a strangulation hazard. The recall involves eleven different models. They were sold at REI, buy buy Baby and other stores nationwide and on the Web at Babiesrus.com, Target.com and Amazon.com between April 2002 and February 2011. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled strollers and remove the drawstring. If using a separately purchased Weather Shield or Sun Shield accessory with the recalled stroller, contact B.O.B. Trailers for a free canopy retro

via News Moms Need » Blog Archive » Jogging stroller recall.”

12 tips for easing your parental anxiety…


Parents worry…it is sort of their job as I see it.

Here is an interview which may help you with some of those worries and make you a little less riddled with anxiety.

Parenthood is not easy. Worrying of course does not really help anything. Enjoy your baby and child and try to live in the present and plan for the future not worry about it.

I hope this article helps.

“Almost from the moment you know you’re pregnant, it begins — a cascade of anxiety touching on everything from health to finances.  And as your child grows, so do your worries.  Can she subsist on a diet of crackers and cereal?  Why is he struggling to read?  Our goal is to put these thoughts to rest. We asked readers on parents.com to share their biggest kid fears and got experts to weigh in with smart coping advice

via 12 tips for easing your ‘parent-noia’ – TODAY Health – TODAYshow.com.”

Calling All New Moms and Mothers to be – via Martha Stewart’s Twitter and Blog

Martha Stewart Giveaway!

Calling All New Moms and Mothers to be – Win Some Amazing Prizes via my Twitter Giveaway!


“I want to thank you all for sending me so many wonderful photos of your babies. As promised on Friday, I am posting 100 of them on my blog today. I hope all of these cherubic faces will brighten your day. Don’t forget to check my Twitter today, and the rest of this week, to win some great prizes!

via Calling All New Moms and Mothers to be – Win Some Amazing Prizes via my Twitter Giveaway! – The Martha Stewart Blog.”

Shoulder dystocia…


Pregnant women hear many horror stories and shoulder dystocia is one of the ones that they may hear as they get closer to labor and delivery.

The March of Dimes has a short but thorough “blurp” on this complication which is not necessarily predictable. There are remedies and usually the outcome is good.

If you have diabetes or a history of large babies in your family consult with your doctor and get your questions answered.

“Shoulder dystocia

Dystocia means “slow or difficult labor or delivery.” Shoulder dystocia occurs when a baby’s head is delivered through the birth canal, but his shoulders are too big to get through and he gets stuck inside the mother’s body. This creates risks for both mother and baby.

Shoulder dystocia can happen when a baby is unusually large. Overweight women and women with diabetes are at risk for having very large babies, or babies with macrosomia.   It also happens when a mother’s pelvic opening is too small for the baby’s shoulders to pass through.

via News Moms Need » Blog Archive » Shoulder dystocia.”

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)


Baby’s sleeping environment and the importance of it cannot in my opinion be overemphasized!

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a frightening thought to anyone especially to the parents of infants.

A study in the Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine has reported the use of a ceiling fan in a baby’s room was associated with a reduced risk of SIDS.

  • Fan use during sleep was associated with a 72% reduction in SIDS
  • fan use in warmer room temperatures was associated with a greater reduction in SIDS risk compared with cooler room temperatures
  • the reduction associated with fan use was greater in infants placed in the prone or side sleep position vs supine
  • Fan use was associated with a greater reduction in SIDS risk in infants who shared a bed with an individual other than their parents vs with a parent
  • Finally, fan use was associated with reduced SIDS risk in infants not using pacifiers but not in pacifier users

Fan use may be an effective intervention for further decreasing SIDS risk in infants in adverse sleep environments.

This research was out of Kaiser Permanente based in Oakland, CA and is an important finding as the cause of SIDS remains unknown. It still is the leading cause of death in infants from one month to one year. The actual number of cases may be under-reported as these deaths are sometimes attributed to other causes.

Other preventative measures are to have:

  • a firm crib mattress
  • no cloth crib bumpers,
  • no soft toys or pillows in the crib.


Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med — Abstract: Use of a Fan During Sleep and the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, October 2008, Coleman-Phox et al. 162 (10): 963


Planned Parenthood Crisis…

Planned Parenthood has been a resource for women and families for many years.

Now Federal funding has been jeopardized as the House of Representatives voted to cut funds to this organization and now it is on to a Senate vote.

This will be a tragic loss for women in the United States.

Last week, breast pumps were allowed new status under IRS tax laws. Michelle Obama has championed this cause. She wants to see more breastfeeding among African-American women.

I want women not be so pleased with this recognition of breast feeding by the IRS that they miss an important issue now at hand for Planned Parenthood.

Yes, it is good news that women can now enjoy a tax-break for their breast pumps but this accomplishment will be kicked to the curb if we allow Planned Parenthood to be dissolved for lack of Federal funds.

Please follow the link below to sign a petition to support Planned Parenthood funding.
