“Food for Thought”….Kids Food in a Pouch!

via Plum Organics on Pinterest

I have been wondering about these “pouches”of organic pureed foods for kids and how parents are using them. When I go to our village grocer or Whole Foods, I am always looking for healthy snacks for my grandchild and have seen these options near the jarred baby food. I even purchased a couple of varieties, but they were not a hit with my little one.

Now, after just reading this NYTimes article, I definitely have “more food for thought” about an organic version of convenience “foods”, that are essentially healthy but allow us to feed our kids on the run. Will these pouches actually help to do away with learning how to sit down and enjoy a meal the way it was meant to be enjoyed?

Sometimes, I feel that sitting down in a McDonalds now and then with a Kids Meal and a salad for myself is far better than pulling out something from my purse that might be healthier but does not permit any “down time”…to just sit, talk and connect.

Seriously…do any of you use these “pouches” to feed your children nourishment on the run?

Have you ever tasted any of them?

What do you think of this whole idea???

Excerpted from the NYTimes:

Watching her jump and eat, I was struck by several thoughts simultaneously. One, kids aren’t supposed to move and eat, are they? Two, if my children don’t sit at the table, how will they ever learn manners? Will they be cast out of polite society, like pirates or hoofed animals? And three, aren’t meals part of the glue that’s supposed to hold a family together? Are we in such a hurry to do things efficiently that we’re expediting the transition to the can-I-have-the-car-keys diaspora?…….

At last, I realized the source of my nagging discomfort. The pouch may help us negotiate the age-old battle of wills at the table, not to mention relieving me of my vaudeville act. But it also creates children in our own frenetic image: energetic, vitamin-fueled, moving frantically from one thing to the next.

I wonder if that’s a good thing.

via Food Pouches Let Little Ones Serve Themselves – NYTimes.com.

Virtual Book Club for Kids…

What kind of reading do you do with your toddler/preschooler during the summer months? 

The unstructured time during the “dog days” of summer can leave reading behind the many fun outdoor activities. After surviving winter’s “cabin fever”, it is totally understandable to head outdoors any chance you can get. But it isn’t necessary to leave reading to rainy days…a book, a child and a shade tree make a pretty neat scene…don’t you agree?

The local library is always a resource and can provide a quiet, cool respite…even bookstores like Barnes and Noble have story times…but then you may have a struggle leaving without making a purchase. This can be problematic…and could make the excursion a disaster in the end.

I have come across a virtual summer book club for kids…it sounds like a winner!

The choices of books for this month are among some of my favorites, reason alone for me and my grandchild to participate.

For various reasons, book clubs are not for everyone  but certainly this one offers some ideas to help create your own reading program at home.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need all the helpful creative idea suggestions that I can get. As a grandmother it has been awhile since I have done pre-school summer reading! Admittedly, I welcome the challenge.

See for yourself, visit  “Summer Virtual Book Club for Kids“. Feel free to share some of your summer reading ideas for kids.

I am always anxious for new suggestions.

Toddler Approved!: Summer Virtual Book Club for Kids.

“Tangled”…no not the movie!

A Girl with a Watering Can


Tangled” maybe a great Disney Movie about Rapunzel, but at home with a preschooler “tangled hair” is a nightmare. On vacation it can even be worse.

My goals managing “tangled” hair go way back to my own person problems with coiffed curls that would never quite cooperate.

  • No pain
  • Brush or comb every day
  • No “bed head” outside of the house except in emergencies
  • Be satisfied with less than perfection when a pre-schooler is involved

Recently…like last night, I came across this… “a tangled hair post”.

Personally, I intend to try out some of the suggested products to make my life as a doting grandmother and my granddaughter’s life more pleasant went it comes to hair creations!

I am wondering what other suggestions you might have…when it comes to “Tangled” in your home?

Keeping it Clean

Circle of Moms member Jyothi J. has a good answer to this dilemma. Her secret is keeping her child’s hair very clean; dirty hair seems to be more resistant to tangling in the first place. Many moms recommend looking for shampoos and other hair care products that are chemical-free or formulated to be gentle for kids, who might get them in their eyes.

How to Deal with Your Preschoolers Tangled Hair – Circle of Moms.