Sudden Infant Deaths Most Common on New Year’s

SIDS Follow-up

“Researchers analyzed a database of 129,090 deaths from SIDS from 1973-2006 and 295,151 other infant deaths during that time period. They found that the highest number of deaths from SIDS occur on New Year’s Day: They spike by almost a third above the number of deaths that would be expected on a winter day.

The study doesn’t prove that anything is the cause of the SIDS deaths. (The number of other kinds of infant deaths didn’t spike significantly on New Year’s Day.) However, the researchers point out that there’s plenty of drinking on New Year’s Eve. They point to research that says the number of people involved in alcohol-related car crashes skyrockets on New Year’s Eve, well beyond any other day of the year.”

via Sudden Infant Deaths Most Common on New Year’s – iVillage.

Jogging stroller recall….

Another recall…

“B.O.B. Trailers, Inc. has recalled about 337,000 B.O.B.® single and double strollers. A drawstring on the stroller can get wrapped around a child’s neck, posing a strangulation hazard. The recall involves eleven different models. They were sold at REI, buy buy Baby and other stores nationwide and on the Web at, and between April 2002 and February 2011. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled strollers and remove the drawstring. If using a separately purchased Weather Shield or Sun Shield accessory with the recalled stroller, contact B.O.B. Trailers for a free canopy retro

via News Moms Need » Blog Archive » Jogging stroller recall.”

12 tips for easing your parental anxiety…

Parents worry…it is sort of their job as I see it.

Here is an interview which may help you with some of those worries and make you a little less riddled with anxiety.

Parenthood is not easy. Worrying of course does not really help anything. Enjoy your baby and child and try to live in the present and plan for the future not worry about it.

I hope this article helps.

“Almost from the moment you know you’re pregnant, it begins — a cascade of anxiety touching on everything from health to finances.  And as your child grows, so do your worries.  Can she subsist on a diet of crackers and cereal?  Why is he struggling to read?  Our goal is to put these thoughts to rest. We asked readers on to share their biggest kid fears and got experts to weigh in with smart coping advice

via 12 tips for easing your ‘parent-noia’ – TODAY Health –”

Calling All New Moms and Mothers to be – via Martha Stewart’s Twitter and Blog

Martha Stewart Giveaway!

Calling All New Moms and Mothers to be – Win Some Amazing Prizes via my Twitter Giveaway!


“I want to thank you all for sending me so many wonderful photos of your babies. As promised on Friday, I am posting 100 of them on my blog today. I hope all of these cherubic faces will brighten your day. Don’t forget to check my Twitter today, and the rest of this week, to win some great prizes!

via Calling All New Moms and Mothers to be – Win Some Amazing Prizes via my Twitter Giveaway! – The Martha Stewart Blog.”

Shoulder dystocia…

Pregnant women hear many horror stories and shoulder dystocia is one of the ones that they may hear as they get closer to labor and delivery.

The March of Dimes has a short but thorough “blurp” on this complication which is not necessarily predictable. There are remedies and usually the outcome is good.

If you have diabetes or a history of large babies in your family consult with your doctor and get your questions answered.

“Shoulder dystocia

Dystocia means “slow or difficult labor or delivery.” Shoulder dystocia occurs when a baby’s head is delivered through the birth canal, but his shoulders are too big to get through and he gets stuck inside the mother’s body. This creates risks for both mother and baby.

Shoulder dystocia can happen when a baby is unusually large. Overweight women and women with diabetes are at risk for having very large babies, or babies with macrosomia.   It also happens when a mother’s pelvic opening is too small for the baby’s shoulders to pass through.

via News Moms Need » Blog Archive » Shoulder dystocia.”

Planned Parenthood Crisis…

Planned Parenthood has been a resource for women and families for many years.

Now Federal funding has been jeopardized as the House of Representatives voted to cut funds to this organization and now it is on to a Senate vote.

This will be a tragic loss for women in the United States.

Last week, breast pumps were allowed new status under IRS tax laws. Michelle Obama has championed this cause. She wants to see more breastfeeding among African-American women.

I want women not be so pleased with this recognition of breast feeding by the IRS that they miss an important issue now at hand for Planned Parenthood.

Yes, it is good news that women can now enjoy a tax-break for their breast pumps but this accomplishment will be kicked to the curb if we allow Planned Parenthood to be dissolved for lack of Federal funds.

Please follow the link below to sign a petition to support Planned Parenthood funding.

Baby’s Nutrition…important new facts!

Noteworthy Wednesday!!

Parents these days seem in such a hurry to move their kids through the milestones of development.

But moving kids from formula to solid food is one change parents may want to take their time making. Trying solid food with formula-fed kids before they hit four months of age raises the odds they’ll be overweight as preschoolers, according to research findings just published online by the journal Pediatrics.

via Weighty Issue: Keep Junior Off Solid Food During His First 4 Months : Shots – Health News Blog : NPR.

Obesity in children is a serious problem and there seems to be many reasons for it. Good nutrition has always been important from day one of a baby’s life.

Whether formula or breastfeeding the information in this recent report indicates that there seems to be a connection between when babies are started on solids and their developing obesity.

Many parents are encouraged by others to feed solids to their baby at an early age with the hopes that the infant will in fact sleep better. This of course is fallacy.

I can remember being told by a well-meaning relative that my baby was hungry and I definitely needed to give her some rice cereal to quiet her down and have her sleep longer. I was anxious to do the right thing so I tried the cereal.

Oh…but when I watched my tiny darling struggling with it I soon abandoned the effort and low and behold my daughter slept through the night at 6 weeks just as the all the books predicted she would.

So…my feeling is stick to breast or formula feeding your infant. Do not be in a hurry to introduce solids into their diet. And when you do begin feeding solids make sure that they are nutritional ones. There are many wonderful infant food resources available. Please take advantage of them.

Do not be fooled by the advertisers of convenient baby food products that we have all grown up with. Many of them are not nutritionally sound and have large amounts of sodium in them despite what we know about too much sodium. So read, read, read and become an advocate for your families eating habits right from the start.

Teething Concerns…

Concerned about teething?

This is the article for you. Teething can be a difficult time for your little one and sometimes for you. Here are some tips to help you and your baby.

Teething and Baby Tooth Care – Teething symptoms and care for baby teeth – StumbleUpon.

“You’ve come to love your baby’s gummy smile, but if he seems to be making more grimaces than adorable grins lately, he may be teething. Though you can’t do anything to speed up the process of growing teeth, we’ve got some tips to soothe the pain and keep those baby teeth clean and healthy once they’re in.”

Vaccine controversy…history repeats itself…

DESPITE overwhelming evidence to the contrary, roughly one in five Americans believes that vaccines cause autism — a disturbing fact that will probably hold true even after the publication this month, in a British medical journal, of a report thoroughly debunking the 1998 paper that began the vaccine-autism scare.

That’s because the public’s underlying fear of vaccines goes much deeper than a single paper. Until officials realize that, and learn how to counter such deep-seated concerns, the paranoia — and the public-health risk it poses — will remain.

via A Century of Vaccine Scares –

Vaccines have always carried with them an underlying fear…what if you get the disease from the vaccine is a question I hear very often when the flu shot is offered every fall. ” Oh, the only time I got the flu is right after a flu shot…so I don’t want to get it again.”

For those of us in medicine and who work in hospitals the flu shot has become mandatory in recent years otherwise you cannot work. Only those with an allergy to eggs  or who have had a reaction to the flu shot in the past are exempt from getting the vaccine. With so many adults fearful of a flu shot, why is it that we are surprised when parents do not want their children vaccinated?

I am not quite sure.

As for my own history with vaccines…I can remember when the polio vaccine trials came out  in the 1950’s. It was being offered in public schools in New York. Many parents allowed their children to receive the vaccine at school.

My mother however, did not go along with mass inoculation trials at school. I personally remember the chatter among family in our living room. Most of it centered around whether or not the vaccine was safe. “What if you could actually get polio from the vaccine?” Polio could be deadly or severely crippling. My mother wanted to wait and see for herself.

“The report”, wrote the New York Times, “was a medical classic.” Dr. Francis reported that the vaccinations had been 80 to 90 percent effective on the basis of results in eleven states. Overall, the vaccine was administered to over 440,000 children in forty-four states, three Canadian provinces and in Helsinki, Finland,[3] and the final report required the evaluation of 144,000,000 separate items of information. After the announcement, when asked whether the effectiveness of the vaccine could be improved, Salk said, “Theoretically, the new 1955 vaccines and vaccination procedures may lead to 100 percent protection from paralysis of all those vaccinated.”[18]

via Jonas Salk – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

When it seemed that all was safe…I received the polio vaccine at my pediatrician’s office.

So with a history of fear surrounding vaccines there is no wonder that parents are nervous when it comes to the relationship of autism and vaccines. This fear will not easily be put to rest…but parents must be judicious and not expose their children to other deadly diseases if there is not a valid connection between vaccines and autism.

With the new findings concerning the study of MMR vaccine and autism it seems that this fear should be put to rest…however it may be very difficult for that to happen since the public has been duped once by medical researchers in this case and now they may be fearful for another reason, unethical behavior on the part of researchers.

So who are parents supposed to believe?

It is my feeling that because there has been a long time with out an outbreak of some of these very serious and deadly illnesses parents have become somewhat cavalier about the actual need for all children to receive immunizations. Healthcare professionals need to do their homework and talk to parents about childhood immunizations before we do succumb to another epidemic of one of these horrible diseases.