Life Lessons from Santa Claus
Things I have learned from Santa Claus! Generally speaking, I am a glass is half full person and so when I saw this HuffPost about Santa it was right up my alley. My outlook on life makes my life as … Continue reading
Things I have learned from Santa Claus! Generally speaking, I am a glass is half full person and so when I saw this HuffPost about Santa it was right up my alley. My outlook on life makes my life as … Continue reading
Postpartum depression …you do not need to suffer through it! The holidays can seriously effect our mood. After having a baby around the holidays, a bout of postpartum depression can hit hard and come right out of nowhere during a time … Continue reading
Memories from my childhood…what about you? Do you know the name of this doll? What dolls do you remember? I love throw back Thursdays…for me it is fun to see how far or not … Continue reading
I love this commercial from Kohl’s which just speaks to me about Christmas Spirit. I am all about Christmas right now… my feelings go from utter frustration to smiling, with thoughts of how a perfect Christmas would look at my house if I had my … Continue reading
As Christmas approaches, I become more and more reflective. My thoughts return to Christmas Past, then move on to Christmas Present and finally, I try to glimpse at what might be Christmas Future. Christmas Past: As a grandparent, the past … Continue reading
Remembering Sandy Hook …One Year Later “What Would Daniel Do?” It has been one year since the Tragedy at Sandy Hook. During that year I have been following Daniel Barden’s family on their Facebook page which remembers Daniel. I have read … Continue reading
Merry Christmas Jennie! And so, my gift to you is a super easy, really one bowl recipe for gingerbread—or should it be called gingerbread cake? Perhaps I should eat one more slice to try and decide. via gingerbread cake {a … Continue reading
“Like many parents, ‘consequences’ is one of my buzzwords. via Truths About Consequences | Janet Lansbury. How does a child learn about consequences? In some instances, it is literally a painful learning experience. For example, when a child accidentally touches something … Continue reading
Do your children have Santa Claus for a grandparent? Is there an overindulgent relative in your child’s life? And do they disregard your requests about gift giving? I am not quite sure how to handle this type of situation except … Continue reading