pregnancy at 38 weeks

Pregnancy at 38 Weeks

Pregnancy at 38 weeks

Baby at 38 weeks

Your baby now weighs probably close to 7 pounds at 38 weeks of pregnancy and is almost 20+ inches long … the size of a leek in length. He can grasp and his organs have matured to the point where he is ready to live outside your uterus.

The big question now is when will he arrive?


Baby at 38 weeks

Source: Your pregnancy: 38 weeks | BabyCenter

Eye color can be perplexing, at first they may be dark and if they are brown they may remain brown as that is a dominant gene. If your baby’s eyes are gray or dark blue, they may change to green, hazel or even brown but they may remain blue. A baby’s iris, that is the colored part of the eye may gain more pigment after he is born so they may get darker, they more than likely will not get lighter.
Your life is now a waiting game.

  • Make time now to prepare for your baby’s actual homecoming. Get stuff ready, you will be glad you did when you bring him home on that first day.
  • Take naps whenever you can.
  • Spend time with your significant other.

Warning Signs for Preeclampsia

Some swelling in your feet and ankles is normal during these last weeks, but call your practitioner without delay if you notice excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, more than slight swelling of your hands, any swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, or have a sudden weight gain. Also let her know immediately if have severe or persistent headaches; visual changes (such as double or blurred vision, seeing spots or flashing lights, light sensitivity, or a temporary loss of vision), intense upper abdominal pain or tenderness, or nausea and vomiting. These are symptoms of a serious condition called preeclampsia.

“If you have other children, let them help you plan a low-key birthday party for the new baby, complete with a birthday cake and decorations. From their perspective, it’ll add to the perks of having a new baby in the house.”
– Kate

This week:

Catch up on reading about baby care so you aren’t too overwhelmed by all the information you get right after you deliver. The first few days postpartum can be busy and you can be inundated with information.

Okay, I have to apologize for the late post. My daughter delivered this week just shy of 38 weeks. She had a very healthy little boy, who weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces. He was almost 21 inches long. We call him a compact little newborn. Mom, Dad and Baby Boy are doing well at home adjusting to each other.

One thing you can count on about pregnancy toward the end is you can expect the unexpected and not be disappointed. We are counting our blessings this weekend. I wish you all the best.

Pregnancy at 37 weeks


Pregnancy at 37 weeks


Pregnancy at 37 Weeks

Your baby at 37 Weeks

We are all counting the days now waiting for our new grandson. I heard his heartbeat yesterday and felt him hiccoughing as I gently touched my daughter’s tummy.

He is in his final growth spurt although he is not quite full term until 39 weeks of pregnancy. He weighs about 6 1/3 pounds and is now measuring 19 inches or longer head to heel. He may or may not have a full head of hair and it may be dark or light or peach fuzz at birth. He is the size of a swiss chard.


Your life:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions are becoming more frequent and longer in length. They can be quite uncomfortable.
  • You might have a vaginal discharge with blood tinged mucus indicating that labor is not far off.
  • Any heavy vaginal bleeding needs to be reported to your caregiver immediately.
  • Ask about your Group B strep culture results so that you can tell the staff where you deliver. If it is positive you will need antibiotics.
  • Getting comfortable to sleep may be more difficult so take it easy during the day.
  • Continue to monitor your baby’s movements and let your practitioner know immediately if they decrease.
  • He should be as active as before.
  • Anxiety about labor and becoming a parent is common at this time in pregnancy.

“I know some people are thrilled to show off their new baby. But all I wanted to do was curl up with her in my arms when I got home from the hospital. Next time I’ll tell people ahead of time that we aren’t seeing visitors for the first week.”
– Janet


Surprising facts: Signs of labor

  • There’s no way to predict when labor is going to start. Your body actually starts “preparing” for labor up to a month before you give birth. You may be blissfully unaware of what’s going on or you may begin to notice new symptoms as your due date draws near.

Here are some things that may happen in the weeks or days before labor starts:

  • Your baby drops. If this is your first pregnancy, you may feel what’s known as “lightening” a few weeks before labor starts as your baby descends lower into your pelvis. You might detect a heaviness in your pelvis as this happens and notice less pressure just below your ribcage, making it easier to catch your breath.
  • You note an uptick in Braxton Hicks contractions. More frequent and intense Braxton Hicks contractions can signal pre-labor, during which your cervix ripens and the stage is set for true labor. Some women experience a crampy, menstrual-like feeling during this time.
  • You pass your mucus plug. The mucus plug is the small amount of thickened mucus that blocks the cervical canal leading to your uterus. The plug may come out all at once in a lump, or as increased vaginal discharge over the course of several days. The mucus may be tinged with blood (which may be brown, pink, or red), in which case it may be referred to as “bloody show.”
  • Your water breaks. Most women start having regular contractions sometime before their water breaks, but in some cases, the water breaks first. When this happens, labor usually follows soon. (If contractions don’t start promptly on their own, you’ll be induced.) Whether the amniotic fluid comes out in a large gush or a small trickle, call your doctor or midwife.


How can I tell if I’m in false labor or true labor?

  • Sometimes it’s very hard to tell false labor from the early stages of true labor. Here are some things that might help you sort it out:
  • False labor contractions are unpredictable. They come at irregular intervals and vary in length and intensity. Although true labor contractions may be irregular at first, over time they start coming at regular and shorter intervals, become increasingly more intense, and last longer.
  • With false labor, the pain from the contractions is more likely to be centered in your lower abdomen. With true labor, you may feel the pain start in your lower back and wrap around to your abdomen.
  • False labor contractions may subside on their own, or when you start or stop an activity or change position. True labor contractions will persist and progress regardless of what you do.

Source: Your pregnancy: 37 weeks | BabyCenter

This week:

  • Figure out your car seat installation…Don’t wait until the last minute!
  • Many police departments have an officer who is certified in car seat installation who will install the car seat for you and make sure it is correct. You probably need an appointment so call ahead of going to your police station.
  • Check out the Car Seat Lady website for complete information about car seats.


Pregnancy at 36 weeks

Pregnancy at 36 Weeks

Baby at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Baby at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Your growing baby…

  • Your baby is gaining weight at about an ounce a day and weighs about 6 pounds.
  • He is probably more than 18 1/2 inches long.
  • Lanugo, the downy hair that covered his body is shedding along with the vernix caseosa (the waxy protective substance that covered his skin in utero).
  • Believe it or not your baby swallows most of these substances which will pass out in his first stool (meconium).


At the end of this week, your baby will be considered “early term.” (Full-term is 39 to 40 weeks. Babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term, 41 weeks is late term, and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely your baby is already head-down. But if not, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an external cephalic version (ECV). That’s a fancy way of saying that your practitioner will apply pressure to your abdomen to try to manipulate your baby into a head-down position.


Your life at this final stage of pregnancy.



Your baby is taking up a lot of room. Eating a regular size meal may in fact be very uncomfortable. Smaller meals more frequently are better at this stage.

When you baby drops into your pelvis (lightening) you may have increased pressure in your lower abdomen. Walking may be more uncomfortable and you may again have to pee more often.

  • Braxton Hicks contractions may be more frequent.
  • Traveling too far from home and your practitioner is probably not a good idea at this point since labor could begin at any time.

Be sure to review the signs of labor with your practitioner and find out when she wants to hear from you. As a general rule, if you’re full-term, your pregnancy is uncomplicated, and your water hasn’t broken, she’ll probably have you wait to come in until you’ve been having contractions that last for about a minute each, coming every five minutes for an hour. Of course, you’ll want to call right away if you notice a decrease in your baby’s activity or think you’re leaking amniotic fluid, or if you have any vaginal bleeding, fever, a severe or persistent headache, constant abdominal pain, or vision changes.


“Start collecting take-out and delivery menus from local restaurants. You won’t have time to cook in the early weeks after giving birth. Even restaurants without a visible take-out business will usually accommodate a to-go order (especially if it’s for a new mom!).”

 The stages of labor

  • Fifteen hour labors are not uncommon for 1st time moms.
  • Eights hours is not uncommon for moms with previous vaginal deliveries

3 Stages of Labor:

First Stage:

  • Starts when you start having regular contractions that dilate and efface your cervix.
  • There are 2 phases of the 1st stage of labor, early and active labor.

Early labor ends when you are dilated about 4 centimeters. Active labor is when your contractions are more frequent, longer and stronger.

The last part of the active phase is when you cervix dilates from 8 to 10 centimeters. It is called “transition phase” because you are transitioning into the second stage of labor.

Transition is often the most difficult period of the first stage.

Second stage:

  • Starts when your cervix is fully dilated.
  • This is the “pushing” stage of labor.
  • This stage will last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
  • It is usually quicker if you have had previous vaginal deliveries.

Your baby’s head will continue to advance with each push until it “crowns” — the term used to describe the time when the widest part of your baby’s head is finally visible. After your baby’s head comes out, your midwife or doctor will suction his mouth and nose, and feel around his neck for the umbilical cord. His head then turns to the side as his shoulders rotate inside the pelvis to get into position for their exit. With the next contraction, you’ll be coached to push as his shoulders deliver, one at a time, followed by the rest of his body.

  • After your baby is delivered you may feel many emotions including feeling exhausted followed by a burst of energy.

Stage three:

  • This stage begins immediately after the deliver of your baby.
  • It ends with the delivery of your placenta.

This week :

Create a grapevine. Make a list of all the people you want to hear about your baby’s birth — with their phone numbers or e-mail addresses — and pass this along to a friend who can spread the news. That way, when you’re ready for others to know, all you have to do is make one call. Include at least one person from work on the list, so they can spread the word there.

Source: Your pregnancy: 36 weeks | BabyCenter

Pregnancy at 35 Weeks

Pregnancy at 35 Weeks

Pregnancy at 35 weeks

Baby is the size of a honey dew melon.

Baby is now more than 18 inches long and it is getting crowded in utero. He probably is weighing it at over 5 pounds as well.

Now his kicks will be still the same but he will not be able to move around so much. For the next few weeks he be gaining weight before his eviction notice.

Your changing life at 35 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Your uterus is now above your rib cage and crowding your internal organs.
  • You may have gastrointestinal distress, heartburn and you may have to urinate more often.
  • Your practitioner appointments will be every week now

Sometime between now and 37 weeks, she’ll do a vaginal and rectal culture to check for bacteria called Group B streptococci (GBS). (Don’t worry — the swab is the size of a regular cotton swab, and it won’t hurt at all.) GBS is usually harmless in adults, but if you have it and pass it on to your baby during birth, it can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia, meningitis, or a blood infection. Because 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women have the bacteria and don’t know it, it’s vital to be screened. (The bacteria come and go on their own — that’s why you weren’t screened earlier .) If you’re a GBS carrier, you’ll get IV antibiotics during labor, which will greatly reduce your baby’s risk of infection.

Source: Your pregnancy: 35 weeks | BabyCenter

  • It is a great time to create your birth plan.
  • Who will be present?
  • What pain management would you like?
  • * Remember that a birth plan should be written in pencil so it is flexible as every childbirth really is different but it is very important that your caregiver knows what you prefer.

“To streamline a chore like filling out birth announcements, address and stamp your envelopes now while you’re still in control of your time.”

What you should do this week.

  • If you want a special experience check out these hospital gowns made by my friends at Annie & Isabel. They are perfect for after delivery and for future doctor’s appointments.


  • If you have not preregistered at the hospital you should consider doing this so you won’t have to do it when you arrive and you are in labor.
  • Get meals ready to eat after you come home with your baby. Make double recipes and freeze them or make a list of carry-outs and their menus. Keep them handy…you will be glad that you did this.
  • Be prepared in any way you can!

I will remind you again.

Do not forget your pedicure…you will be so happy to be able to finally see and reach your toes.

Enjoy your last weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnancy at 34 weeks

Pregnancy at 34 Weeks

Your little one is the size of a cantaloupe this week and now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds and is about 18-19 inches long.

Baby at 34 Weeks of Pregnancy

Baby is the size of a cantaloupe!

What’s happenin’ baby?

  • Fat layers are filling out. This will help with temperature regulation after delivery.
  • His CNS (central nervous system) is maturing.
  • His lungs are maturing.
  • If baby is born early now and has no other medical problems he will more than likely do okay with a short stay in the NICU.


You at 34 weeks of pregnancy:

  • Fatigue is setting in again.
  • Being tired is understandable due the physical strain, restless nights, trying to get comfortable and frequent pee breaks

If you notice itchy red bumps or welts on your belly and possibly your thighs and buttocks as well, you may have a condition called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP for short).

Up to one percent of pregnant women develop PUPPP, which is harmless but can be quite uncomfortable. See your practitioner so she can make sure it’s not a more serious problem, provide treatment to make you more comfortable, and refer you to a dermatologist if necessary. Also be sure to call her if you feel intense itchiness all over your body, even if you don’t have a rash. It could signal a liver problem.

“In the third trimester, turning over in bed is a nightmare. The solution? Big satin pajamas and even satin sheets — the slipperiness of satin helps tremendously!”

Source: Your pregnancy: 34 weeks | BabyCenter

This week :

  • make a labor contingency plan for early labor
  • line up people to help you


Pregnancy at 33 weeks

Pregnancy at 33 Weeks

Pregnancy at 33 Weeks

Baby is the size of a pineapple

Well into the third trimester of pregnancy and baby is weighing in at about 4 pounds and is probably more than 17 inches in length. He is looking more and more like a soft cuddly baby as time goes on. His bones are hardening although his skull bones are not fused so they can “mold” into a slight “conehead” shape during delivery.


Your life:

  • You may find yourself waddling.
  • You may have a difficult time sleeping or finding a comfortable position
  • You may be experiencing achiness and maybe even a little numbness due to fluid retention.
  • If you have carpal tunnel syndrome it may be aggravated by this fluid retention.
  • It is also okay to have sex until your water breaks unless you have been told by your practitioner to avoid it.

“Every time I start to get bored with my pregnancy, I lie down and rub my belly. Sure enough, my baby starts to kick, and I think about how wonderful it will be when I’m able to hold him.”

Source: | BabyCenter


Your baby’s movements.

  • Every baby has their own pattern of activity.
  • As long as you do not notice any major changes everything should be fine.
  • Kick counts are recommended by some practitioners after 28 weeks.

 Here’s one common approach: Choose a time of day when your baby tends to be active. (Ideally, you’ll want to do the counts at roughly the same time each day.) Sit quietly or lie on your side so you won’t get distracted. Time how long it takes for you to feel ten distinct movements — kicks, twitches, and whole body movements all count. You should feel at least ten movements within two hours. (Don’t worry; it probably won’t take that long. Sometimes you’ll feel ten kicks within the first ten minutes.) If you don’t feel ten movements in two hours, stop counting and call your midwife or doctor.

What should I do if I think my baby’s movements have slowed down or changed?
Let your practitioner know right away if you notice a slowdown of your baby’s movements. A decrease in fetal movement may signal a problem, and you’ll need a nonstress test or biophysical profile to check on your baby.

Getting everything ready schedule:

  • Wash baby clothing.
  • Use a gently detergent. I always recommend Dreft because that is what my grandmother used. But actually any mild hypoallergenic one designed for baby would be great.

Your pregnancy is almost over!

Don’t forget yourself…try to take some time out just for you. A mani and pedi is my recommendation.


Seeing my way through Pregnancy

Vision Changes during pregnancy…



Although I have a mild astigmatism for which I wear glasses when I feel the need to I’ve never suffered from major vision problems or had bad eyesight. I wear my glasses when at my computer, reading, watching TV or driving at night all when my eyes are tired from focusing all day.

I believe that my vision changed early on in my pregnancy probably late during the first trimester. What I didn’t realize was that I needed to go see my eye doctor because I was also dealing with changing up some medication that could have affected my blood pressure and, in turn, affected my vision.

To say the least, I waited too long and ended up anxiety ridden and in tears because I was so uncomfortable.

  • I couldn’t drive.
  • I couldn’t watch TV.
  • I couldn’t use my computer.
  • I couldn’t read a book.
  • I couldn’t even focus straight ahead.
  • I had to look down.

I made an appointment and saw my eye doctor. Sure enough, my prescription had changed. I decided to order glasses so that I can wear them when I feel like I really need to. Hopefully, my eyes will change back after the baby is born.

I never expected nor had I ever heard of some of the strange things about pregnancy. Everyone’s experience is so different.

Live and learn.

Pregnancy at 32 Weeks

Pregnancy at 32 Weeks

Are you feeling more uncomfortable?

Well, your baby is taking up more room in your uterus at this stage in your pregnancy, he is weighing in at 3 3/4 pounds and is now about 16.7 inches from head to heal.

Pregnancy at 32 Weeks

Your baby is about the size of a jicama!

Each week you can expect to gain about a pound and half of that weight will be going to your baby. He will gain about 1/3 of his weight during the next 7 weeks of pregnancy. He is getting ready to meet you each and every day.

You may experiencing changes now that your baby is taking up so much room and pushing up your diaphragm and crowding your stomach.

Some of these changes:

  • shortness of breath.
  • heartburn.
  • lower back pain.
  • shift in your center of gravity.
  • changes in your posture due to loosening of ligaments in your pelvis.
  • you may have difficulty getting up out of bed, out of a chair, pain when you walk, stand or sit for long periods of time.
  • lifting things may be difficult.

Comfort measures:

  • Sleep with pillows propped up.
  • Eat smaller meals more often.

“Sleeping is getting difficult. The only way I can get any rest is to lie with my back to my husband as he cradles my body. The support from him and a pillow between my legs is the best help.”
– Lora

Source: 32 weeks pregnant | BabyCenter

Decisions… decisions.

Who do you want with you while you are in labor?

Don’t feel pressured to have anybody with you but your significant other if that is what both of you decide on. Let well meaning grandparents and anyone else wait in the waiting area or at home as difficult as that might be. Make sure you tell everyone ahead of time your wishes and ask them to please respect them.

A private labor coach is a good idea. According to Baby Center there is research that shows women attended by labor assistants actually have shorter labors, fewer complications during labor and healthier newborns. A doula will be of great assistance to you and your husband. You will still have a nurse but she will be in and out of your room while you are in labor.

On the homefront:

Start lining up helpers for when you get home from the hospital after your baby’s birth.

You will be somewhat overwhelmed when you arrive home with your little bundle and someone there to help you with your needs and your baby’s needs will make you feel more under control.

Make a list of what you anticipate that you will need at home and delegate as much as you can ahead of time to well-meaning friends and relatives that offer to help.

You will be glad that you did this ahead of time.

Don’t forget that pedicure and manicure!

baby boy

Enjoy as much as you can these last few weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnancy at 31 Weeks

Pregnancy at 31 Weeks

Yes your baby is now moving a lot more and still putting on weight during this time of your pregnancy getting ready for his entrance into your world.

Pregnancy at 31 weeks

He now is probably over 16 inches long, weighing in at about 3 1/2 pounds and is about the size of a coconut. A growth spurt is about to begin. Fat is beginning to accumulate under his skin. He is able to move his head from side to side and you are probably feeling a lot of movement. His somersaults will keep you up at night…all of this activity is a sign of health.

Your pregnancy life:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions are now part of your life. Your uterine muscles are tightening and relaxing getting ready for labor. These are irregular contractions and only last about 30 seconds, they are infrequent and painless although they may put pressure on your bladder and make you feel like you have to pee.
  • Frequent contractions however could be a sign of pre-term labor and you should call your practitioner immediately if you have more than four contractions in an hour or any other signs of labor.
  • Signs of Labor:
  • Increase in vaginal discharge.
  • Change in vaginal discharge (watery, mucusy, or bloody, pink or tinged).
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Menstrual cramping.
  • Increase of pressure in pelvis.
  • Low back pain especially if you didn’t have it before.


  • You might have some leaking of colostrum, if so put some nursing pads in you bra to protect your clothes.
  • You may have to buy a larger size bra.


Circumcision or not?

You  might want to have this discussion now and discuss your questions with your doctor since he will be doing the procedure if you choose to circumcise your little boy.


“I’m 31 weeks along, and at my childbirth classes they’ve been telling us to concentrate on a focal point during labor. Anything from a picture to a crack in the wall or ceiling can work, so long as it helps Mom relax and distracts her from the pain.”
– Becky

Wants and Don’t Wants:

  • Pain medication during labor.

I have definite opinions about this as I was a L&D nurse. My advice is to think about your ideal labor and delivery and try to keep an open mind about medication since every labor is different and everyone perceives pain differently. Learn about your options, discuss with your practitioner, your doula, your nurse, whoever you have that you respect their opinions. Remember there is nothing wrong with wanting to be comfortable during labor and welcoming your baby.

Stuff to get done and out of the way.

  • Packing your bag.

Although you don’t have to get this done right now you might want to gather your stuff and the little things that will make your hospital stay comfortable. Some things to have on hand.

  • Going home outfit for your sweetie.
  • Snacks, my favorite is lollipops during labor, Whole Foods has some organic fruit ones that are delicious.
  • Socks and slippers.
  • Your favorite pillow
  • A nursing bra and nightie
  • A camera, batteries.
  • Clothes for you to wear home.

Annie and Isabel, a company owned by two nurses whom I know, makes beautiful special hospital gowns for new moms. These are my personal favorites. They are great for nursing moms and make any mom feel special after having a baby. They are wonderful for pictures too. Put them on your registry. You can also wear these gowns to doctors check-ups.

pregnancy and delivery

Perfect for Moms

Adrienne will be wearing this one, I am gifting it to her…it is one of the prettiest gowns!

I have seen and personally worn Annie and Isabel Hospital Gowns.

Annie & Isabel Designer Hospital Gowns Are Great For… Pregnancy & Delivery Gift yourself, a friend, or family member a comfortable and gorgeous hospital gown to help the new mommy in your life feel beautiful during this precious time. There are many reasons why having your own hospital gown makes sense. There are even more reasons why having an Annie & Isabel hospital gown is the best choice.
Source: Pregnancy and Delivery


Pregnancy at 30 Weeks

Pregnancy at 30 Weeks

Pregnancy at 30 Weeks


I am thrilled that my daughter is in her third trimester of pregnancy as is she…”the homestretch”. Soon we will be meeting the newest member of our family.

He is now around 15.7 inches from head to heal and the size of a large cabbage!

Right now his eyesight allows him to make out faces that would be only a few inches away from him. So this is just perfect since he will be held closely to his mom and dad when he is born and will be able to see their smiling, loving faces.

Source: Your pregnancy: 30 weeks | BabyCenter

Life at 30 weeks gestation:

  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Feeling clumsy due to being heavier with your weigh concentrated in your belly with a shift in your center of gravity.
  • Your ligaments are much more lax, joints are now looser which will make your balance a little off.
  • Mood swings may return due to hormones, creating more ups and downs.
  • One in 10 expectant women battle depression during pregnancy. Also let your caregiver know if you’re frequently nervous or anxious.
  • If you can’t shake your mood swings tell your caregiver.

“I realized that finding a good pediatrician would be at least as important as finding a good doctor or midwife, so I started my search early. I asked my midwife and her assistant, the workers, administrators and mothers at two daycare centers, and my local hospital’s referral center for recommendations. The two practitioners whose names came up most often were the ones I interviewed.”
– Patti


Take time to Breath

Labor Worries:

You may be worrying about labor pain, needing an episiotomy, possibility of C-Section, this is normal and feel free to talk to your caregiver each time you have a visit.

This week’s activity

  • Start putting together baby gear, it can be overwhelming so start as soon as possible.
  • Make sure you have batteries.