Working Moms…What do you think of Marissa’s Policy Change at Yahoo?

Working moms of all stripes were excited last summer when Yahoo! named Marissa Mayer CEO, even as her maternity leave loomed just a few months away. Yes, she soon concerned us fellow working parents when she immediately committed publically to … Continue reading

Winter Comfort in Food…it can still be healthy!

With another week of winter weather washing over us, I am looking for comfort foods that are healthy and family appealing. New York Times to the rescue…I love quiche or any “pie” that is savory and delicious….I also love tomatoes … Continue reading

Weekend Reading…

This week there was a very sad and shocking incident on a plane….it involved a child and a racial slur in addition to a slap across the face…unbelievable??? not really…. when you read the account below about how it is … Continue reading

What’s in you kitchen cabinets?

Kitchen cabinet risks… Teenagers are very crafty when it comes to getting “high”. Here is a clip from “The Doctors” discussing some of the common kitchen cabinet items that teens and younger kids use … 

Weekend Reading…

Blowing Colors All of us experience anxiety which is driven by fears of the future. Even our young children can be anxious. This is a wonderful video explaining a technique that a child or for that matter an adult can … Continue reading