Pregnancy: 15 weeks

Pregnancy at 15 Weeks:

I am excited this week because my daughter is expecting our second grandchild. As a maternal child nurse, I was always in awe of the miracle of life.

Thirty plus years ago, we did not have all the ultrasound pictures that new parents-to-be have today but the miraculous changes and the sound of the fetal heartbeat thrilled me just the same as it does now. I particularly love the “fruit” comparison when it comes to the size of the fetus…it makes it all so real in terms of how small and tiny a being is developing right from the beginning of conception. It also amazes me how such a tiny being can physically affect a mom-to-be so soon after conception.

Journey with me and my daughter through the 15th week of gestation.

So much is now going on with your baby. He is around 4 inches from his head to his rump and he weighs all of 2 1/2 ounces. He is the size of an apple!

Pregnancy at 15 Weeks

Here is what is happening with your baby:

  • amniotic fluid is moving through his nose and respiratory track
  • legs are growing longer than his arms
  • there is movement in all of his joints and limbs
  • his eyelids are still fused but baby can sense light
  • taste buds are forming
  • you might be able to see if your baby is a girl or boy if you have an ultrasound this week, although he will have to cooperate and not be curled up hiding his identifying parts from you

Pregnancy and fetal-development-week-15

What is happening in your life:

  • you have probably gained about 5 pounds
  • you may be experiencing a stuffed up nose, “rhinitis of pregnancy”…and yes, this could be from hormonal changes and increased blood flow to you mucous membranes
  • if you are having an amnio then it might be done between now and 18 weeks
  • the first trimester is over and you may be feeling overall better, that is a good thing, so enjoy yourself with your significant other

Things for you to do:

Bonding with your baby can begin very early in your pregnancy because of ultrasounds so now, believe it or not you can you can begin to “talk” to your baby. Read a book to your baby and share some of your secrets with him. You might even want to start a blog to keep your family members up on your progress. When your baby is born he will know you better if you play music and talk to him while he is in utero.


via Your pregnancy: 15 weeks | BabyCenter.

Pregnancy at 14 weeks

Pregnancy at 14 weeks:

Pregnancy at 14 weeks

Your Baby is the Size of a Lemon


Here is what your baby can do this week:

  • squint, frown, make faces, pee, and maybe even suck his thumb
  • he has brain impulses that are developing which allow him to make faces with his facial muscles…isn’t this incredible?
  • his little kidneys are making urine, he is actually making urine which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him
  • he may even suck his thumb because now he can grasp…WOW!
  • he is the size of a lemon and measures a whole 3 1/2 inches
  • his body is more in proportion now but his legs have a little catching up to do yet
  • ultra-fine hair called lanugo is beginning to cover his entire body
  • his liver starts to make bile, and his spleen starts helping him to make red blood cells

This is an exciting week and the beginning of the second trimester of your pregnancy!

It is true, your life is changing but it can be more than manageable, here are some links at my favorite site for moms and babies.

Your food diary
Secrets of maternity dressing
The basics of good sleep
Great pregnancy exercise: Swimming

Here is what you can expect now that you are in the second trimester.

  • your energy is possibly returning
  • your breasts may not hurt as much
  • nausea and morning sickness may subside
  • you may be starting to show, with a little tummy

A little worry is not uncommon, but try to focus on taking care of yourself.

baby at 14 weeks gestation

Baby at 14 Weeks Gestation


Boy or Girl?
Decision Guide: Should you find out the sex of your baby?
Boy, girl — or big surprise? Sixty-four percent of mothers-to-be in a BabyCenter poll said they wanted to find out the sex of their baby ahead of time, while the rest preferred to wait. “We decided that the surprise of ‘it’s a boy!’ or ‘it’s a girl!’ is the same surprise at 5 months as it is at the birth,” said Jessica. Michael disagreed: “I think the old-fashioned way is the best. Finding out before birth is like opening your Christmas presents before Christmas!” If you’re still on the fence, here’s a look at the pros and cons of each side. A word of caution: If you want to keep your baby’s sex a secret, let your provider and the ultrasound technician know right away so they don’t inadvertently blurt it out in the middle of an ultrasound exam or while reviewing your test results.

via Your pregnancy: 14 weeks | BabyCenter.


I am so excited by this series of articles because we are expecting our second grandchild! Baby Center is a wonderful resource for moms and dads to be.

Pregnancy at 12 Weeks

Your pregnancy at 12 weeks:


The end of the first trimester of your pregnancy is near. You should be feeling better if you experience nausea during the early weeks of being pregnant and your breasts may not be so sensitive at this stage.

What is happening inside your uterus is dramatic.

Pregnancy at 12 weeks

Baby at 12 Weeks is the Size of a Lime


  • Baby’s fingers are starting to open and close
  • Baby may now have sucking reflexes to suck his thumb
  • He may be able to curl his toes
  • He will move around if you prod you abdomen
  • His kidneys will begin to excrete urine

You also may be considering an amniocentesis, which is a somewhat invasive test, done to check on your baby, and whether or not he has any hereditary disorders or Down Syndrome.

Amniocentesis (also referred to as amniotic fluid test or AFT) is a medical procedure[1] used in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal infections,[2] and also used for sex determination in which a small amount of amniotic fluid, which contains fetal tissues, is sampled from the amniotic sac surrounding a developing fetus, and the fetal DNA is examined for genetic abnormalities. The most common reason to have an “amnio” is to determine whether a baby has certain genetic disorders or a chromosomal abnormality, such as Down syndrome. Amniocentesis (or another procedure, called chorionic villus sampling (CVS)) can diagnose these problems in the womb. Amniocentesis is usually done when a woman is between 14 and 16 weeks pregnant. Women who choose to have this test are primarily those at increased risk for genetic and chromosomal problems, in part because the test is invasive and carries a small risk of miscarriage. This process can be used for prenatal sex discernment and hence this procedure has legal restrictions in some countries.


Quick Clicks From Baby Center
Sex during pregnancy: An overview
What activities should I avoid ?
A BabyCenter tour for expectant dads
 Girl or boy?



via 12 weeks pregnant | BabyCenter.

Now is the time to be thinking about baby “must haves”. Some items such as car seats are quite expensive and if you are considering a “used” one, it is important to know that car seats expire due to wear and tear and the temperatures they are exposed to in cars.

In the weeks to come, I will be giving you a list of my favorite people and their websites to help you decide on what baby gear is right for you and your little one.

If you are expecting, I hope your pregnancy is going well.

TGIF- Weekend Reading

Weekend Reading:

Another cold week here in Chicago with a fresh covering of snow. The weekend is warm and welcoming inside our home. We use our time to relax a little, along with catching up on some reading and napping with each other and our furry friends.


Saralyn Richard, the author of Naughty Nana, is my cherished friend, who has written a charming children’s book about her dog Nana. It is a favorite of mine and I hope it becomes a favorite of yours. Enjoy an interview with Saralyn from Dogster.


I think dogs are wonderful teachers of patience, compassion, loyalty, trust, responsibility, and love.

Unfortunately, a lot of children do not have consistency and stability in their lives. A dog is always steady, consistent, reliable, and predictable. A dog will always greet you the same way, and treat you the same way whether you are bad or good. Whether you got a good report card, are smelly or clean, whether your room is a mess, a dog is going to love you unconditionally and the same way all the time.



For me children and rainbows go together, like rain and running in puddles on a rainy day. Here is an activity from Kristina at Toddler Approved, which helps me share my love of rainbows with my grandchild . I think you will find Kristina’s blog something you cannot stay away from…it will bring out the child in you this weekend.

Easy Preschool Cutting Craft: Paper Rainbows

One of my favorite parts about St. Patrick’s Day is that it is associated with rainbows. My kids love singing songs about the colors of the rainbow all year long and there is just something that makes me happy whenever I see a rainbow!

This week my preschooler wanted something to do while her big brother (my 1st grader) did his homework. We got talking about St. Patrick’s Day and she assigned herself to make a rainbow.

This easy paper rainbow craft project is a super simple way to practice scissor skills and cutting straight and curvy lines!


Kristina is the founder of Toddler Approved. She is a mom of three (ages 6,3,1), as well as a National Board certified teacher. Kristina taught for several years and then worked part-time as a curriculum specialist, new teacher coach, and crisis intervention trainer once she became a mom. She retired in Fall 2011 and now loves being full-time mom and teacher to her kiddos. She loves chocolate, running, taking pictures, and party planning. She is also currently the creator of the Virtual Book Club for Kids.


Pregnancy has been a theme on Parenting in the Loop during the past 11 weeks. Fashion and pregnancy can be a challenge right from the beginning. A few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Amy Tara Koch at a luncheon. I was taken with her style and her book Bump It Up. She has some wonderful suggestions for the fashionista momma to be, spiced up with Amy’s sense of humor. Please enjoy!




1. When your jeans or trousers still fit everywhere except the belly, a SIMPLE RUBBER BAND can offer an additional breathing room. Leave jeans unfastened and loop the rubber band around the button and button hole. This sartorial trickery is easily concealed with a hip length tee shirt, some sassy, dangly scarves or a cute scarf worn as a wide Kimono belt.


Enjoy the weekend everybody!

Weekend Nap



Pregnancy at 11 Weeks

Your pregnancy at 11 weeks:



Pregnancy at 11 Weeks

Baby is size of a Fig


Baby is Growing:

Your baby is 1 1/2 inches in length. Believe it or not your baby is almost fully formed even tiny tooth buds are appearing and bones are starting to harden. There is a lot of movement that you cannot feel until a month or two when your baby is significantly larger.


via Your pregnancy: 11 weeks | BabyCenter.

How you are changing as your pregnancy moves along:

  • More energy
  • Less nausea-you may start to enjoy eating again and then gain about a pound week
  • Slow digestion which can cause constipation due to hormonal changes
  • Heartburn – hormones again cause a relaxation of the valve between your stomach and esophagus

What is safe to eat during pregnancy now that your appetite is improving? Here is a link from Baby Center.

Pregnancy can be a time of some anxiety, it is therefore good to get in touch with other moms like friends and family members. Your own mom can be a wonderful support if you have a good relationship with her. Sometimes mothers and daughters develop a better relationship during this time.

Pregnancy at 10 weeks

Pregnancy at 10 Weeks:

Your baby is the size of a kumquat and only weighs less than a 1/4 ounce.

Pregnancy at 10 weeks

  • The most critical part of his development is complete.
  • He is now in his fetal period and is no longer an embryo.
  • His tissues and organs will grow rapidly, he is able to move all around and is kicking all the time.
  • There are tiny fingernails growing, peach fuzz is now on his skin.
  • His kidneys, intestines, brain and liver are all beginning to function.
  • His hands are able to flex at the wrist.
  • His spinal outline is visible through his translucent skin.
  • His head measures half the length of his body.
  • Your baby is ready to double his size in a few weeks of pregnancy.

Fetus at !0 Weeks of Development

Things to do this week:

  • Perhaps go do some shopping for yourself. Get some new bras and panties that feel more comfortable on your changing body.
  • Try to develop an exercise routine that is okay with your health care professional. It will prepare you for later and for labor and delivery.

This can be a wonderful time in your life if all is going well and you are feeling good. If you are not please speak with your health care practitioner. You and your developing baby are very important!

Your pregnancy: 10 weeks | BabyCenter.

Pregnancy at 9 weeks

Pregnancy at Nine Weeks

Pregnancy at 9 Weeks

How your baby’s growing:

  • Baby is almost an inch long.
  • Weight is less than a ounce.
  • Heart is fine tuning its beat with four chambers and valves forming.
  • Tiny teeth are present.
  • Tail of the embryo has disappeared.
  • Sex organs are present but cannot be distinguished.
  • Eyes are full formed with fused eyelids.
  • Earlobes, mouth and nose are present and accounted for.
  • Baby basic physiology is present and the placenta is developed to take over its critical  work.
  • Next, there will be rapid weight gain.


Quick Clicks

Baby Ultrasound

Your life is changing:

  • Your waist may be thickening slightly at this point
  • Morning sickness and other physical symptoms may be present
  • Emotions may be all over the place
  • Moods are full swing…good to know that the second trimester these quiet down somewhat.

Your pregnancy: 9 weeks | BabyCenter.

Your pregnancy: 8 weeks

Pregnancy at 8 Weeks

How your baby’s growing:

Pregnancy at 8 Weeks Baby is Size of Kidney Bean

  • Baby has small webbed fingers and toes
  • His eyelids almost cover his eyes
  • Breathing tubes and branches of his lungs are developing
  • His tail is almost gone
  • Brain and nerve cells are forming early neural pathways
  • Genitals have not developed yet
  • Baby is now the size of a kidney bean
  • Baby is continually moving but you cannot feel it yet

How your body is changing:

  • You may need a larger bra with better support, your breast tissue is changing and hormones are causing breast growth preparing for lactation.
  • Fatigue can be dramatic along with nausea and sometimes vomiting due to a rise in progesterone. Discomfort and getting up to pee may cause you trouble sleeping adding to your fatigue. Walking may help combat fatigue, even a 10 minute walk will do.


Prenatal Tests:

  • Screening and diagnostic tests are offered during pregnancy.
  • Some are simple blood tests or ultrasounds for screening, others are more invasive.
  • All of these tests are optional.
  • Screening tests give you information about your risk for certain conditions.
  • Diagnostic tests tell you for sure whether your baby has a problem.
  • You must make the decision as to whether or not to have these tests, they are optional.

Early screening tests:

  • Nuchal fold scan is done by ultrasound along with a blood test that measures two proteins, this test will give you information as to your baby’s risk for Down Syndrome. This test is done between 8 and 11 weeks.
  • CVS- Chorionic Villi Sampling is a diagnostic test done early in pregnancy to determine a chromosomal defect that would cause Down Syndrome. It is an invasive test that carries a risk of miscarriage.

Quick Clicks

via Your pregnancy: 8 weeks | BabyCenter.

Your pregnancy – 7 weeks

 Pregnancy at 7 Weeks

Pregnancy at 7 weeks

Your Baby is the Size of a Blueberry

Pregnancy this Week:

  • Your baby is still considered an embryo.
  • Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs.
  • Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long, about the size of a blueberry.


Physical Changes:

  • Your uterus has doubled in size in the past 5 weeks.
  • You may be experiencing morning sickness and eating may not be your favorite thing right now…this queasiness should subside around 14 weeks gestation.
  • You are learning where every restroom is because due to increasing blood volume and extra fluid being carried through your kidneys you have to pee more frequently.
  • As your uterus grows, it will put more pressure on your bladder and you will have to pee more often.

via Your pregnancy: 7 weeks | BabyCenter.

Quick Clicks from Baby Center

How your life’s changing:

  • mood swings due to hormonal changes
  • heightened emotions, good and bad/depressed or anxious
  • moodiness heightens at 6 to 10 weeks and eases in 2nd trimester
  • emotional turbulence returns in the third trimester

These last 7 weeks are just the beginning of what will be occurring in the next few months. Things are happening quickly in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and then a little more slowly in the second trimester when you will feel a little more comfortable in your new shoes.

Early Pregnancy – 6 Weeks

Early Pregnancy-6 Weeks

Pregnancy 6 weeks

Your baby is the size of a “lentil”.


Major developments during your 6th week of pregnancy:

  • Nose mouth and ears are beginning to take shape
  • There are dark spots where your baby’s eyes will be
  • Baby’s heart is beating 100-160 per minute,
  • Intestines are developing
  • New tissue that will become baby’s lungs is present
  • Baby’s pituitary gland is forming along with the rest of his brain, muscles and bones.
  • Baby is only 1/4 inch long

Quick Clicks:

Infections cannot always be avoided but there are ways to help limit your exposure.

  • Good hand washing
  • Not sharing glasses or utensils
  • Not cleaning cat litter
  • Gloves on when gardening
  • Staying away from anyone with a contagious disease
  • Avoiding food borne infections
  • Washing fruits and vegetable
  • Thoroughly cook meat, fish and eggs
  • Clean kitchen work surfaces

Personally you may feel emotionally labile, one day you are moody and maybe even sad the next day joy filled …this is somewhat normal. The emotional fluctuations are caused by hormones that are changing during pregnancy. You may also be thinking about how your life is changing along with your body and that can cause anyone to be emotional.

Spotting can be relatively common at this stage. Up to 25% of women experience this. It can be normal but it can also be a sign of a miscarriage. If you have any spotting or bleeding call your healthcare practitioner or go to the emergency room immediately.

By now, you are probably taking prenatal vitamins. Sometimes, they can be the cause of stomach upset. Many pregnant moms have this problem with their vitamins, including this writer, If this happens, check with your doctor or midwife. There are chewable vitamins that might work better for you during pregnancy.

Video-Fetal development weeks 1-9 
