Your Pregnancy at 28 Weeks

Pregnancy at 28 Weeks

Pregnancy at 28 Weeks

This beautiful eggplant represents the size of your sweet little baby that has now grown to be about 14 1/2 inches from head to heels and weighs around 2 1/4 pounds at this time in your pregnancy.

  • Her eyes are blinking and he now has eyelashes.
  • Developing brain neurons and adding body fad are her main activity..

For you, this is the home stretch, the Third Trimester. You will probably gain about a pound each week from now until deliver. You will visit your caregiver every two weeks from now until 36 weeks.

Your glucose screening will be reviewed and if your result was abnormally high you will have a Glucose Tolerance Test. In addition if you are Rh negative blood type you will get an injection of Rhogam, Rh immunoglobulin which prevents your body from developing antibodies that would attack your baby’s blood.

RLS, Restless Leg Syndrome can affect you at this time in your pregnancy. It is a “creepy-crawly” sensation in your legs that is relieved when you move. Caffeine can make these feelings worse. No one knows the cause of RLS, make sure to mention to your caregiver if you have these symptoms

“Now that it’s later in my pregnancy, I find that if I sleep on either side with a pillow tucked underneath my stomach, I can make it through the night.”

Source:  | BabyCenter

Preeclampsia is a serious condition that affects about 5 percent of pregnant women. It is diagnosed by these findings.

  • high blood pressure after 20 weeks of pregnancy along with one or both of the following
  • protein in her urine
  • liver or kidney abnormalities

It can be mild or severe a occur near to your due date. Most women and babies do fine with the proper care.

Severe preeclampsia is another story. It can affect many major organs and be very serious and lift threatening to mom and baby. Delivery of the baby is the only cure for preeclampsia.

Symptoms of preeclampsia can come on suddenly.

  • Swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, more than slight swelling of your hands, or excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles.
  • Rapid weight gain — more than 4-5 pounds in a week.
  • Severe or persistent headacheVision changes, including double vision, blurred vision, seeing spots or flashing lights, sensitivity to light, or temporary loss of visionIntense pain or tenderness in your upper abdomen.
  • Nausea and vomiting

Preeclampsia can occur without any obvious symptoms, particularly in the early stages, and some symptoms may seem like normal pregnancy complaints. So you might not know you have the condition until it’s discovered at a routine prenatal visit. This is one of the reasons it’s so important not to miss your appointments. via Baby Center


Summer and Pregnant…No Sweaty Feet for this Mom-to-Be

Summer and Pregnant

summer and pregnant

Thanks Tory!…

My third trimester is during the summer. This very pregnant mom-to-be needs to make sure that she has a comfortable pair of flip-flops.

I live in a beach town so they are a must!

I found that Tory Burch’s flip-flops are the most comfortable pair. I recommend them for anyone who is pregnant to get them through the summer looking chic! A black pair can be perfect for the beach or can be dressed up for a night out.

Pregnancy at 27 Weeks

Pregnancy at 27 Weeks

More growing…your baby is probably 2 pounds and the size of a cauliflower(14 1/2 inches)  from head to foot. He is sleeping at regular intervals.

Pregnancy-baby at 27 weeks

Baby is probably experiencing her first hiccups. You will feel the rhythm of these first hiccups every now and then for the weeks to come. Her lungs are functioning better and could sustain her if they had to outside the uterus with the help of medical intervention if she was born this early in the pregnancy.

Your life continues to change:

  • Second trimester is ending
  • You may develop some new aches, your back and leg muscles may hurt due to the increased weight of your uterus which is putting pressure on certain blood vessels and nerves.

Leg cramps are more common at night but can also happen during the day. When a cramp strikes, stretching the calf muscle should give you some relief.

Straighten your leg and then gently flex your toes back toward your shin. Walking for a few minutes or massaging your calf sometimes helps, too.

As it gets closer to the end of your pregnancy, you might want to think about birth control after you deliver. If you are planning a tubal ligation you will have to decide soon and sign a consent form in advance of the surgery. Some states require a 30 day delay in the surgery after you sign your consent form for a tubal ligation. You are always able to change your mind about surgery but better to sign your consent just in case your baby comes early.

“Need more vitamin C? Try red bell peppers! They have nearly twice the vitamin C of a navel orange, and a half cup is one of the five servings of fruits and vegetables you need each day.”
– Kayla B.

Source: Your pregnancy: 27 weeks | BabyCenter

Pregnancy at 26 weeks

Pregnancy at 26 Weeks

Wow, time is moving along…your baby is hearing your voice and your significant other’s so he will recognize you both after he is born. He is also breathing amniotic fluid and developing his lungs. Weighing in at about 1 2/3 pounds, he is now about 14 inches from head to foot. Boy baby’s testicles are now descending into the scrotal sac, this process will take about three months.

Pregnancy 26 weeks

Your mom-to-be life at 26 weeks of pregnancy:

  • Childbirth classes
  • Getting baby’s room ready
  • Taking care of yourself, eating right and exercising
  • Your blood pressure may be increasing slightly
  • Watching out for signs of preeclampsia

Preeclampsia — a serious condition characterized by high blood pressure — most often shows up after 37 weeks, but it can happen earlier so it’s important to be aware of the warning signs. Call your caregiver if you have swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, more than slight swelling of your hands, excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, or rapid weight gain (more than 4-5 pounds in a week). With more severe preeclampsia, you may experience other symptoms. Let your caregiver know immediately if you have a severe or persistent headache, vision changes (including double or blurred vision, seeing spots or flashing lights, sensitivity to light, or temporary loss of vision), intense pain or tenderness in your upper abdomen, or vomiting.

  • Your lower back may be achy due to your growing uterus and your shifting center of gravity-your abdominal muscles are stretched and weaker at this point-your joints and muscles are feeling the stress of your extra weight-all of this makes you feel pretty tired at the end of the day.

Some relief measures:

  • warm baths or warm or cool compresses
  • maintain good posture
  • take breaks from sitting and standing too long
  • sleep on your side
  • bend you knees and put a pillow between your legs and use another pillow to support you belly.

Some of these suggestions will come naturally. Over thirty years ago I did these out of sheer common sense…your body sometimes tells you what to do if you listen to it.

“To help yourself relax, immerse your feet in a basin filled with warm water. Add a few drops of scented oil and enjoy.”
– Astrid

Source: Your pregnancy: 26 weeks | BabyCenter

Questions for this time.

  • Do you want to write a birth plan?

Maybe you don’t even know where to go with this idea but it can help you to learn more about labor and delivery. If you are considering using a doula you might want discuss a birth plan with them or with your caregiver and your significant other.

Things to think about in a birth plan:

  • pain relief
  • medication
  • epidural
  • elective c-section
  • unpredictable things about labor and delivery
  • remaining flexible
  • defining your philosophy and writing about how you would like things to go
  • do you want delivery to be somewhat private or do you want family present
  • do you want your partner to cut the cord
  • do you plan to breastfeed
  • 24 hour rooming in with your baby

If you are having a boy, here is a question. Circumcision or no circumcision?

Most of all try to enjoy the remaining weeks of your pregnancy before your baby arrives.


Pregnancy and Changing Doctors…

Pregnancy-Changing Doctors… by Adrienne Lavine

I decided to change doctors for my second visit that happened to be week 14 of my pregnancy.

pregnancy 2nd trimester


I liked my OB. He was kind and laid back. However, for me, the staff, the hospital where I deliver and the resources available to my baby and me are more important than just having a nice doctor.

I made my decision to move my pregnancy care from my local hospital to Providence. I will now be delivering at Women and Infants Hospital. The Ob-Gyn I am seeing is part of a larger practice that includes a great staff. They are very attentive and the nurse practitioners are excellent. It is not just important to have many doctors to work with but also to have a thorough NP (nurse practitioner). For example, when I went for my first blood test that was part of the Alpha Fetoprotein testing for Down’s and other abnormalities, my former NP didn’t even specify what type of blood work was needed on the order. The lab technician had to call to clarify the order.

Ultrasound 2:24:15

The NP at the former practice also neglected to tell me that the expensive Cystic Fibrosis test was covered by insurance at the lab in the local hospital but may not have been covered at a different lab. I ended up going to a lab where the CF test was not covered and will now have to wait until our son is born to have him tested for CF. All of these things seem small but they are big things that added up to a huge problem for me.

In addition to having multiple doctors and a thorough staff at the Providence location, I realized how nice it is to have so many resources available to me. When a test was ordered at the previous office (even just an ultrasound) I had to go elsewhere to get it done. I ended up traveling to Providence anyway. Each time I went to a different location I would have to fill out all of the standard paperwork even for the ultrasounds. This process was getting redundant and ridiculous.

I am so happy with my decision to change doctors. Now I can see my doctor or a partner, get my blood drawn and have an ultrasound all in the same location. In addition, there is a NICU where I am delivering. This is something that is extremely important to me especially since I wouldn’t be alive if my mom did not deliver at a major hospital with a NICU. No one wants to think that something could go wrong but I want to be prepared for everything that I can.

It is really stressful to change doctors no matter what type of doctor. I am one of those people who gets very comfortable and it is hard for me to step out of that zone. But if you’re like me and are not satisfied with the level of care you’re getting during perhaps the most important time of your life… don’t hesitate to change caregivers during pregnancy.

Do some research and make the switch to ensure that you get the level of care you want. Always make sure to get the best care. You and your baby deserve it.

Pregnancy at 25 weeks

Pregnancy at 25 Weeks

Your baby is now about 13 1/2 inches long and weights approximately 1 1/2 pounds. He now has some baby fat on him and is starting to look more like a newborn. He has more hair with color and texture.

Pregnancy at 25 weeks

Your life at 25 Weeks Gestation

  • You may be finding it harder to get around at this point in your pregnancy. So be more careful when you are exercising and don’t work out when you are too tired, or have any pain. Your balance may be a little off and you definitely do not want to fall.
  • Do not lie flat on your back as the weight of your uterus impedes the flow of major blood vessels which can make you lightheaded and dizzy.
  • Drink plenty of water while you exercise.
  • Your hair will be thicker now…due to hormonal changes so enjoy your nice locks because  you will lose the extra hair after delivery.
  • You will be having a glucose screening between 24-28 weeks.
  • Baby names should no be on your schedule too. Make this a fun time for you and your significant other.

“To ease constipation, add oat or wheat bran to anything you can think of — cereal, yogurt, smoothies, or even spaghetti sauce.”

Third Trimester of Pregnancy is Coming Up:

  • You will see your practitioner every two weeks during weeks 28-36 and then it will become weekly.
  • Your practitioner will be checking on you physically and emotionally. Physically, he will ask you about contractions, vaginal discharge, bleeding or headaches. Make sure to mention if you are anxious or depressed.
  • There will be questions about your baby’s movements. If you baby becomes less active you will be instructed to call your caregiver. You may be asked to start counting your baby’s movements for a set period each day.
  • Weighing-in at each appointment is important as is checking your urine for sugar and protein a sign of preeclampsia.
  • Your blood pressure will be monitored as well as any swelling of your ankles, hands and face.
  • Baby’s heartbeat will be monitored also. Your abdomen will be measured too, which is a way to estimate the size of your baby.

Usually you will not have an internal exam until maybe the last four weeks. Your caregiver will probably discuss the signs of early or preterm labor as you get closer to your due date. He/she will also discuss signs of preeclampsia.

  • You should make a list of questions for your caregiver.
  • You might want to discuss circumcision and feeding of your baby.

Here are a list of tests coming up for some of you.

  • Hemocrit/hemoglobin, which tests for anemia
  • Glucose screening will be done and a Glucose Tolerance Test will be ordered if you screening is abnormal.
  • Rh antibody screening will be repeated if you are Rh-negative. If you are Rh-neg you will receive an injection of Rhogam (Rh immune globulin) at 28 weeks. This will protect you from developing anti-bodies, which would pose a risk to future babies or even to this child. If you and the father of the baby are both Rh-negative then your baby will also be Rh-negative and you will not need Rhogam.
  • If you are at risk, now is the time to check again for any STDs including HIV.
  • Biophysical profiles and non stress tests which check on your baby will be done if you have any complications.

Group B strep test: Between 35 and 37 weeks, you’ll be checked for group B streptococci (GBS) in your vagina and rectum. You won’t be treated right away if the cultures are positive, because early treatment is no guarantee that the bacteria won’t return. Instead, you’ll be treated with IV antibiotics when you’re in labor. (If you’ve previously given birth to a baby who had GBS, you can skip this test because you’ll be given antibiotics in labor no matter what.)

Taking care of yourself and significant other:

Take time for you and your significant other at this time of pregnancy. The next weeks will seem to take forever but they will actually speed by and before you know it, you will have your baby in your arms. So enjoy your time together before the arrival of your child.


Source:  | BabyCenter

Exercises during Pregnancy are Good

Exercises during Pregnancy

exercises during pregnancyDuring pregnancy exercise remains important. Although your labor progression cannot be predicted it is known that a few exercises can help you prepare your body.

There are four specific exercises during pregnancy that exceptionally good.

  • Kegels
  • Pelvic Tilt
  • Squat
  • Tailor or Cobbler Pose

Remember to start slowly and work at your own level for each exercise.


These simple exercises are small internal contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. The muscles in the pelvic are support the urethra, bladder, uterus and rectum. These exercises can also help to keep hemorrhoids from inflammation. It may even speed healing after a vaginal delivery. It may even shorten the pushing stage of your labor.

Tighten the muscles around your vagina as if trying to interrupt the flow of urine when going to the bathroom.

Hold for a count of four, then release. Repeat ten times. Try to work up to three or four sets about three times a day.


Pelvic tilt or angry cat

This is a one of the great exercises during pregnancy to strengthen your abdominal muscles and can ease back pain during pregnancy and labor.

Get down on your hands and knees, arms shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart, keeping your arms straight but not locking the elbows.
As you breathe in, tighten your abdominal muscles and tuck your buttocks under and round your back.
Relax your back into a neutral position as you breathe out.
Repeat at your own pace, following the rhythm of your breath.



Squatting is an exercise long known for helping to prepare for labor and delivery. It helps to strengthen you thighs and open your pelvis.

Stand facing the back of a chair with your feet slightly more than hip-width apart, toes pointed outward. Hold the back of the chair for support.
Contract your abdominal muscles, lift your chest, and relax your shoulders. Then lower your tailbone toward the floor as though you were sitting down on a chair. Find your balance — most of your weight should be toward your heels.
Take a deep breath in and then exhale, pushing into your legs to rise to a standing position.

exercises during pregnancyTailor or Cobbler Pose

This exercise can also help to open you pelvis and loosen your hip joints in preparation for childbirth. It helps with posture and easing lower back pain.

Sit up straight against a wall with the soles of your feet touching each other (sit on a folded towel if that’s more comfortable for you).

Gently press your knees down and away from each other, but don’t force them.
Stay in this position for as long as you’re comfortable.

Exercises during pregnancy can help you feel better not only during your pregnancy, but during labor and delivery and postpartum.

If it okay with your doctor or caregiver do exercise you should give these a try.

Source: Four exercises to ease aches and help with labor | BabyCenter

Pregnancy at 24 Weeks

Pregnancy at 24 Weeks

Your baby continues to grow:

  • He is about the size of an ear of corn
  • He weighs in at about 1 1/3 pounds
  • He is about 12 inches long
  • He still is pretty skinny and his skin is still almost see through, once he puts on weight that will change
  • His brain continues to grow quickly around this time in gestation
  • His lungs are developing their branches
  • He is beginning to produce surfactant that will help his air sacs to fill with air and inflate when he is born


Pregnancy at 24 Weeks

About now you should know the signs of preterm labor just in case:

  • increase in vaginal discharge or a change in the type of discharge, watery, mucus-like or bloody or blood tinged, pinkish.
  • any vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • cramping like menstrual pain
  • abdominal pain
  • more than 4 contractions in one hour even if they do not hurt
  • increased pressure in your pelvis
  • low back pain especially if you did not previously have back pain

Symptoms like the above can be normal and confusing but they should be checked out by your midwife or doctor. Contractions can be Braxton Hicks contractions which are normal and pelvic pressure and back pain can be normal too but always better to get your caregivers opinion before assuming that this is normal for you.

If you think that you are experiencing preterm labor call your practitioner right away without delay.

You will probably will be told to go to the hospital to get an assessment. Once you are there your contractions will be monitored as well as your baby’s heart rate. You will probably have a speculum vaginal exam to determine if your membranes have ruptured. A swab of your cervix and vagina will probably be done and sent to the lab to check for infection. Another swab will be sent to check for a fetal fibronectin test.


This test analyzes your cervical and vaginal fluid for the presence of a protein that helps bind the amniotic sac to the lining of your uterus. Between 24 and 34 weeks, elevated levels of fFN mean that this “glue” is disintegrating ahead of schedule (due to contractions or injury to the amniotic sac). A negative result means that it’s highly unlikely that you’ll give birth in the next week or two, which can set your mind at ease and allow your practitioner to hold off on treatments that may prove to be unnecessary.

via Baby Center

Preterm labor is always worrisome. Premies born between 34 to 37 weeks tend to do okay although they are still at risk for some long and short term problems. Babies who are extremely premature may have serious long term problems although there have been many advances in their care and survival rates.

Good prenatal care can help reduce your chances of preterm labor. So continue to be good to yourself and attend your appointments as scheduled.

Life changes during this stage of pregnancy:

  • Your uterus has grown and is now above your belly button and about the size of a soccer ball.
  • Glucose screening tests will usually be done between now and 28 weeks to check for gestational diabetes
  • If your test is abnormal you will have a glucose tolerance test to find out for sure if you have gestational diabetes.

Gestational diabetes can cause your baby to grow too large during pregnancy and make it difficult to deliver your baby vaginally. It also can increase your baby’s risk for low blood sugar complications after delivery.

It is a time to learn about the signs of preterm labor and know that it is okay to call your doctor if you have questions about whether or not you are having symptoms of it. It may be good to make your own list of these preterm labor signs so that you can have them handy if you do have a question.

Continue to take care of yourself and enjoy your pregnancy.


Traveling Through the First Trimester

First Trimester (in a nutshell) by Adrienne Lavine

I had no nausea and no morning sickness but I was rid with anxiety with a touch of depression. Living half way across the country from my family and the bitter cold winter with a snowstorm every other day did not help.

First Trimester

I taught yoga through my first trimester. However, not having a regular 9-5 job, not having family nearby and not having as many friends around is very hard, especially while pregnant. All I wanted to do was to go home and be with my family. My husband was annoying me but when he wasn’t around, I wanted him to be home. I couldn’t win and neither could he.

In addition to the homesickness, boredom and loneliness during my first trimester, I was also experiencing panic attacks. I decided that I needed to go and be with my family so I traveled to Chicago at the end of February. It was supposed to only be for a week but ended up to be a three weeks.

I spent a lot of time with my mom. She took me shopping and bought me some new bras that I desperately needed and some brightly colored maternity clothing that cheered me up. My mom is also an incredible cook and made sure that I had good food and enough of it! I even relaxed to the point of being able to take a nap and sleep through the night for the first time in weeks. Trust me that was a big deal.

Having family nearby has so many benefits, although my husband doesn’t fully understand why I want my mom so badly. I am close with my family and tell my mom everything (she jokes sometimes that I probably tell her too much). The amount that I wish to spend more time with my mom will never change and certainly won’t during pregnancy.

The day before I was supposed to return to Rhode Island was week 13. My mom and I thought it would be nice to be able to get an ultrasound done so that she could experience something special with me. We decided to go and have my husband on Face Time. The tech asked if my husband and I wanted to know what we were having… Absolutely! She knew that it was on the early side and was pretty sure it was a boy. My dad walked in the room and it was like he had a reaction. “Oh. It’s a boy!”

Very excited with the news of finally adding a male to the family, we all waited for the tech to bring the DVD of the ultrasound. It was such a happy experience to be able to share with everyone special to me. Plus, I could stop referring to the baby as an “it”.

When I got back to my parents’ house I called Rich to talk. I was supposed to fly home late Tuesday night and would have arrived after midnight. He was going to leave work early on Friday to go on a snowboarding trip to Vermont. I decided to stay in Chicago for an extra week. There was no point in going back to Rhode Island just to be alone for the whole weekend.

The following Tuesday rolled around and my new flight was in the afternoon. I was nervous just at the thought of going back. I was also nervous of flying alone and being alone all of the time.

My mom was driving me to the airport. We were approaching Midway when I had a panic attack. My mom drove the car into one of the garages and parked. After I had calmed down we called my dad. We canceled my flight and booked another for a week later. Then we called Rich. I was still very upset so my mom told him what had happened. He was very understanding and just wanted me to feel better. We ended up flying Rich to Chicago on Saturday so that he could fly back with me on Tuesday. We made it to Rhode Island with a minimal amount of anxiety.

First trimester was full of emotional and physical changes…looking forward to what’s next.


Pregnancy at 23 weeks


Pregnancy At 23 Weeks


Pregnancy at 23 Weeks

Your growing baby can now hear music and can feel your movements at this point in your pregnancy. He is weighing in at just over a pound and a little more than 11 inches in length about the size of a mango.

  • He is getting his lungs ready to breath on his own after delivery.
  • He is able to hear loud noises as well.
  • You may even see his movements on your belly at this point.

Your body is still changing too:

  • You may have some ankle and feet swelling especially now that the warmer weather is coming.
  • The swelling is called edema and is due to changes in your circulation and blood chemistry.
  • This fluid will go away after you have your baby.
  • Remember to lie on your left side and put your feet up whenever you can.
  • Stretch out and avoid standing or sitting in one place for long excessive periods of time.
  • Regular exercise is important for your circulation and drinking plenty of fluids helps with fluid retention.
  • If you experience sudden swelling in your extremities, hands ,face or eye puffiness call your caregiver as this could be a sign of a serious condition known as preeclampsia.

“When I started having trouble sleeping during my pregnancy, I asked my friends what to do. One suggested I take a half-hour walk during the day. It really helped me sleep better, and it felt great to have a little time for myself.”

Source: Things to think about:

  • Cord Blood Banking

If you bank your baby’s cord blood, the blood left in your baby’s umbilical cord and placenta after birth is collected, frozen, and stored for future medical use. Cord blood is prized because it’s a rich source of stem cells – the building blocks of the blood and immune system.

Stem cells have the ability to develop into other types of cells. Because of this, they can help repair tissues, organs, and blood vessels and can be used to treat a number of diseases. Cord blood has already been used successfully in the treatment of more than 70 diseases. And many more uses for cord blood are being researched and tested.

The process of collecting cord blood is fast and painless for you and your baby. Storing cord blood makes it more likely that that its unique, potentially lifesaving stem cells won’t go to waste.

Your pregnancy: 23 weeks | BabyCenter


Find out more:These are links from Baby Center that discuss cord blood banking pretty thoroughly.

Overview of cord blood banking
Choosing whether to donate or use a private cord blood bank

Another suggestion from Baby Center:

Make a collage about your pregnancy and your hopes and dreams for your baby or write a letter to your baby. It will be something that your child will treasure.