“Up and Away” for Grandparents

Are you an Up and Away Grandparent? Becoming a grandparent has been the greatest highlight of my life. I always knew the grandparent-grandchild relationship was a powerful and special one, from my own close relationship with my maternal grandmother. She … Continue reading

Do Maternal Grandparents Have it Better?

Since I wrote this post my feelings about maternal grandparents have not changed much. I am really interested in what others think… especially, moms, dads, grandmoms and granddads, themselves.   Do maternal grandparents have it better…maybe, is all I have … Continue reading

My Weekly Review

Weekly Review Each week, so many interesting reads come across my feed that I want to share. It is truly impossibly difficult to sometimes choose which ones to include here. Right now, my day in brief review so far, I … Continue reading