Every Thursday I read a post on my FB page from Eric, who is Jessie Rees’ dad. He writes a post to Jessie, his little girl who died from an aggressive cancerous brain tumor.
I began following Jessie’s story before her death and marveled at the strength and determination of this little girl, who was fighting cancer. Jessie Rees Foundation
Today, I also read part of “Donna’s Cancer Story” written by her mom. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and her mom remembers Donna by posting her story each year during September.
Her “Family Portrait” post really resonated with me as a nurse, who many years ago took care of children and families going through such crises. Donna’s Cancer Story: Family Portrait | Mary Tyler Mom.
Another mom that I am know through blogging lost her son, Henry to a drug overdose when he was just a teenager.
It is a sad story and though addiction is not “cancer”, in my opinion, it is a type of “cancer” that can go into remission but it lurks always in the background just waiting for a moment of weakness or crisis to rear its ugly head. It preys on children. Henry’s Fund.
In 2010, I lost my teenage son, Henry to drug overdose. In celebration of his life and legacy, my sister Betsy and I founded Henry’s Fund, a non-profit organization that provides grants to pay the direct costs of high quality treatment and aftercare for young drug addicts between the ages of 12 and 23.
via About the Blogger – Big Good Thing.
This morning, my friend Jessica, (Momma’s Gone City) talks about visiting her sponsored child in Guatemala. It made me think about how small the world is and how we as mothers are somehow all connected by life and its challenges.
First, I want to thank all of these “friends” who share their lives with me through social media. I appreciate their words and the way they share their feelings. I feel somehow connected by an “invisible string” of humanity to each one of them.
September is “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month” and it is my hope that someday we will be able to conquer this disease but for now we can at least help by supporting their fight any way we can.
Every September, America renews our commitment to curing childhood cancer and offers our support to the brave young people who are fighting this disease. Thousands are diagnosed with pediatric cancer each year, and it remains the leading cause of death by disease for American children under 15. For those children and their families, and in memory of every young person lost to cancer, we unite behind improved treatment, advanced research, and brighter futures for young people everywhere.http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/08/30/presidential-proclamation-national-childhood-cancer-awareness-month-2013