Summer and Pregnant…No Sweaty Feet for this Mom-to-Be

Summer and Pregnant Thanks Tory!… My third trimester is during the summer. This very pregnant mom-to-be needs to make sure that she has a comfortable pair of flip-flops. I live in a beach town so they are a must! I found … Continue reading

Pregnancy at 27 Weeks

Pregnancy at 27 Weeks More growing…your baby is probably 2 pounds and the size of a cauliflower(14 1/2 inches)  from head to foot. He is sleeping at regular intervals. Baby is probably experiencing her first hiccups. You will feel the … Continue reading

Exercises during Pregnancy are Good

Exercises during Pregnancy During pregnancy exercise remains important. Although your labor progression cannot be predicted it is known that a few exercises can help you prepare your body. There are four specific exercises during pregnancy that exceptionally good. Kegels Pelvic Tilt … Continue reading

Family Summer Safety

Summer Safety Safety is a concern for your family during these months when you are having picnics and may be around water. Children pose specific safety concerns at this time of year. Here are some suggestions: Summer Food Safety: Cleanliness: Handwashing … Continue reading