Pregnancy at 21 Weeks
Pregnancy at 21 Weeks Wow…your baby is really growing and weighs in at around 3/4 of a pound and is now 10 1/2 inches long…the size of a carrot. His kicks and movements are felt more at this point and … Continue reading
Pregnancy at 21 Weeks Wow…your baby is really growing and weighs in at around 3/4 of a pound and is now 10 1/2 inches long…the size of a carrot. His kicks and movements are felt more at this point and … Continue reading
How I Found Out… As many of you already know, my younger daughter, Adrienne is pregnant, expecting her first child. Our family is very excited to be welcoming another grandchild. In addition, I am overjoyed to welcome Adrienne to Parenting in … Continue reading
Weekend Reading: Over 50 or not these are some good tips to follow in a confusing world of health advice. Aging is taking place no matter what year you were born, a simple fact. So when I came across this … Continue reading
Pregnancy at 20 Weeks Yes! You are halfway through your pregnancy this week…and… You have gained about 10 pounds. You can feel the top of your uterus at the level of your belly button. Be careful to get enough nourishment which … Continue reading
Weekend Reading… Ahhh…the weekend is finally here and spring is not only in the air it is evident in the beautiful flowering trees and the blooming tulips and daffodils here in Chicagoland. Sunday we will have some April Showers, so … Continue reading
Pregnancy at 19 Weeks Pregnancy at nineteen weeks and how your baby’s growing Sensory development continues, your baby’s brain is specializing. Taste, smell, hearing, vision and touch are developing. It is time to talk and read to your baby … Continue reading
Pregnancy at 18 Weeks Mom-to-Be: You may find that you are more hungry now during pregnancy…choose foods that are nutritious to snack on so that you are not gaining too much weight from sugary or salty favorites. Larger clothes may … Continue reading
Weekend Reading: Spring Break has come to Chicago. As we approach this holiday weekend of Easter and Passover, family time takes over. Many of us will be enjoying food, and visits with relatives and friends as we celebrate and … Continue reading
Pregnancy at 17 Weeks Your baby’s skeleton is changing now to bone from soft cartilage the umbilical cord is stronger as well as thicker he or she weighs in at about 5 ounces and is about 5 inches long … Continue reading
Pregnancy at 16 Weeks How your baby’s growing Your baby is the size of an avocado about 4 1/2 inches long and 3 1/2 ounces. his head is more erect legs are more developed his eyes have moved closer to … Continue reading