TGIF-Weekend Reading
Weekend Reading: There has just been too much snow in the past few weeks but here is some reading to catch up on if you have a Sunday free moment. You grandparents out there, this is for you, so you … Continue reading
Weekend Reading: There has just been too much snow in the past few weeks but here is some reading to catch up on if you have a Sunday free moment. You grandparents out there, this is for you, so you … Continue reading
Pregnancy at 10 Weeks: Your baby is the size of a kumquat and only weighs less than a 1/4 ounce. The most critical part of his development is complete. He is now in his fetal period and is no longer … Continue reading
Pregnancy at Nine Weeks How your baby’s growing: Baby is almost an inch long. Weight is less than a ounce. Heart is fine tuning its beat with four chambers and valves forming. Tiny teeth are present. Tail of the embryo has … Continue reading
Weekend Reading: Again this week, measles and vaccinations are all over the news. This article simply explains, why measles is so contagious and so easy to contract. How does it actually invade us? You might be surprised to learn about … Continue reading
Cold is getting to me… Bitter temperatures Ice and snow covered everything. Florida is looking good. The lord and I know I hate Florida. Once, I moved To the Sunshine State From New York City. I should have listened to … Continue reading
Pregnancy at 8 Weeks How your baby’s growing: Baby has small webbed fingers and toes His eyelids almost cover his eyes Breathing tubes and branches of his lungs are developing His tail is almost gone Brain and nerve cells are … Continue reading
Weekend Reading: Measles has reared its ugly head again and some parents are in an uproar over unvaccinated kids in school and public places who put children with compromised immune systems at risk. Some of these vulnerable children are on … Continue reading
Measles Are you and your family immunized against measles. At last count, there were 78 cases in 11 states. Most of those cases originated at Disneyland or Disney’s California Adventure theme park. News Moms Need » Blog Archive » Measles … Continue reading
Stories and Photos Ever since I can remember, photographs have been a source of joy for me. I am now a grandmother and every time, I come across a box of photos that are stored away, I know that … Continue reading
Pregnancy at 7 Weeks Pregnancy this Week: Your baby is still considered an embryo. Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs. Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long, … Continue reading