Keeping the Choice-Formula vs. Breast

  All I can say about Amy’s story, below, is THIS. THIS is why breastfeeding support must be secondary to supporting moms, full stop. THIS is why the medical community and the breastfeeding advocacy machine is failing us. THIS is … Continue reading

Parents, Will You Vaccinate Your Child Against “Cancer Causing” HPV?

New research strongly suggests that the HPV vaccine works.   The prevalence of dangerous strains of the human papillomavirus — the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States and a principal cause of cervical cancer — has dropped … Continue reading

Do Your Kids Eat Everything?…Tell theTruth!

Cooking for kids…always a challenge I love to cook…but over the years my “go to meals” have changed… and become somewhat boring… enter Jennie Perillo, InJenniesKitchen and her book Homemade with Love. I was losing my edge especially now… that … Continue reading